More than two years now since the claimed discovery of a new pathogenetic virus SARS-CoV-2, which purportedly caused a disease called “covid,” supposedly having now resulted in the deaths of over one million people, the theory that such a virus actually ever existed has become untenable to anyone with common sense.
My only quibble is with the title. This was not "tragically misguided" whatsoever. It was a pre-planned crime as you know.
If you view this whole 'pandemic' situation through the lens of health, safety, science and saving lives, then most of it makes little sense. If you view it through the lens of money, power, control, and wealth transfer, then all of it makes perfect sense.
Covid is not an epidemiological story. Covid is a crime story.
They needed the lockdowns. They needed the lockdowns to be long, destructive and depressing. They need everyone to be scared of more lockdowns so that they can say, "To avoid further lockdowns you need to accept Vaccine Passports."
The lockdowns, mandatory muzzles, anti-social distancing and the other measures did nothing to protect or improve public health- they were never designed to do so. They were all designed to deliberately break the global economy (and crush competition, especially small businesses) as well as break people's minds, will and the social fabric, in order to “build back better”, according to the diabolical and dystopian visions of the psychopaths waging this class war, which is essentially a billionaires utopia, in which they own the planet like a techno-feudal fiefdom, and oversee the drastically reduced population of digitally branded humanity like cattle in a super-surveilled technocracy.
The injections are the Trojan horse to get us in the door of that digital concentration camp (as well as the metaphorical gas chambers), starting with vax-ports, followed by digital IDs, and then connected to CBDC accounts and UBI scrip, which will allow them to track our every move and purchase, and “nudge” us toward whatever medical, dietary, or lifestyle choices they desire, at threat of having our rations reduced, or, if we misbehave too badly, being shut out of the system altogether. They’re specifically targeting kids and young people most of all, deliberately inflicting mass trauma on them, because they’re the ones who’ll grow up in that New Normal™️, and the goal is to condition them to accept total control over every aspect of their lives and a dehumanized screen-based existence, to the point where they won’t remember living any other way, breathing free, being free.
All talk of so-called efficacy of these poison injections are meaningless distractions and quite besides the (existentially urgent) point when you understand that the virus/disease they’re allegedly designed to protect against doesn’t exist in the first place and, additionally, what their real, above-mentioned purpose(s) is.
It’s blackmail on a global scale.
Covid-19, the 4th Industrial Revolution and Great Reset are all massive frauds to create a series of monopolies, cartels and oligopolies that govern food, energy, healthcare and the most basic parts of our lives. Fight this now or resign yourself to tyranny.
For those who haven’t heard, we are witnessing a globally coordinated plan (conspiracy) to use fear and safety as cover for a “reset” of the world economy and society. This is a planned and internationally coordinated strategy by the most powerful global elites-the ruling class.
There’s lots of different terminology and branding, for example: Great Reset, Fourth Industrial Revolution, Technocracy. The main aim of this plan is the concentration of power over capital, wealth, people and nature in the hands of the very largest corporations and monopolies.
This plan for a new phase of global capitalism is enabled by national states and governments, international organisations and quangos (EU, UN, NATO, IMF, WTO, WHO, Gates, GAVI). With no clear lines between state and non-state actors, this is also a form of global corporatism.
This is not in any way a “conspiracy theory” and anyone who rejects it as such is just not paying attention. It is being done in plain sight, in front of our eyes, openly. “Public Safety” is being used as the catch-all justification to entrench the Bio-Security State.
You can only understand the lockdown imperative in this context, for example it is an ideal opportunity for big capitalists and their state facilitators to crush SMEs and expand monopolies and for western states to permanently curtail ‘legacy freedoms’ that are hurdles to their dominance.
I believe that people with immense wealth and power conspire- this is not a theory it is a proven historical fact.
If you still cannot fathom that people with immense wealth and power conspire, then that doesn’t make me a “conspiracy theorist” — it makes you a coincidence theorist.
Anyone who still thinks any of this is motivated by a concern for our health or has anything much to do with science is beyond hope.
Anyone out there who thinks medicine, science, public health, politics, human rights, wealth, power, justice and corruption are NOT now insidiously intertwined, is not seeing reality.
Meanwhile the privileged, nominally educated people have uncritically accepted and are participating in and actively promoting a blatant medical fraud that is raining misery on hundreds of millions of people worldwide.
Mengele- Goebbels-Eichmann and the 100’s of Nazi çamp doctors were tried at Nuremberg- to this list let’s add all those who facilitate and participate in subjecting children to an unethical mass medical experiment with zero benefits but multiple documented hazards.
Thanks so much for this. Sorry I didn't get back to your email. Apologies. These are all great points. However, I think to a degree perhaps you misunderstood me above (or perhaps I should have made what i was saying clearer). I didn't mention Ivermectin above in order to push it as a cure for a non-existent singular disease that everyone calls covid. I mention it only because there have been so many reports from doctors (at least it seems) in which they explained that their patients symptoms went away when they took ivermectin. since ivermectin is in reality an parasitic drug, then the obvious conclusion one should make (if these reports are true) is that the people were suffering from parasites, not a fictional unicorn virus. i meant to mention ivermectin in only that context. definitely not to push it in any way.
on that note, the spacebusters video on iv really is great. i love that guy. he has a mind like a knife. and his points about iv i 100% agree with.
on the malone issue - again, i don't cite him to say "he is wise" or some sh-t like that. it was only to provide a citation of someone attesting to the fact that people who believed they have "covid" took ivermectin and their symptoms went away. i.e. if they took an anti-parasite and their symptoms went away, then they probably had parasites as the (proximate) cause of the symptoms (not a "virus").
At the end there, again, i 100% agree with you. you cant take a medicine to kill the non-existent cause of a manipulated re-classification of symptoms anymore than can buy tickets to see it dance.
What I hope to do, by mentioning ivermectin, and the reason i want to leave it in, is that it one can begin to see, i hope, how all these experiences we have had over the past two years are understandable (and far more comprehensible) once we give up the myth of the virus. once we do that, we can see exactly how and why things like iv played a role in this story, and what role that was. i think its just amazing as we clear away the fog, how everything comes together and is visible in its larger entirety.
That being said, i didn't know HOW toxic IV really is. wow. its important as hell that people know its toxicity as well. for sure. your links are great on that. i encourage everyone to read them.
yet still, i hope you now understand why i want to continue to mention what i did.
okay, thanks (again) for those suggestions and links, they are much much appreciated.
I am only a stickler on this point is because /someone/ drilled this into me;
Forgive my candor: In seems to me in your mind, you are making a connection between "COVID" (the story, the narrative, "The Production" as John Titus says) and SYMPTOMS! This is FAULTY reasoning.
It looks to me like you BELIEVE in COVID!
COVID isn't real!
I would suggest that we forget completely about COVID.
Now, what symptoms are you talking about, Mike?
Flu like symptoms?
CDC says COVID and Flu express //identically// and cannot be distinguished clinically.
It's a Unicorn Detector which was calibrated to a CGI-Rendered Cartoon of a Unicorn, NOT anything in the Real-World (like a sputum sample of a sick person).
If there AIN'T NO COVID, then there is CERTAINLY NO REASON for people to eat Freaking LITERAL INSECTICIDE in order to treat or cure their "COVID".
If people are sick in Wuhan, then FIND OUT WHY.
This called a RIGOROUS ETIOLOGY, and should include a search for TOXINS.
Air Pollution / PFAS, and 5G are of particular concern there.
Now if people in NYC or N. Italy get sick with Flu-Like Symptoms, then WHY ON EARTH would you think these sicknesses are connected somehow?
Tom Cowan uses the analogy of a pond. One day, all the fish in the pond all die. Do you think, "it must have been a contagion"? (virus, bacteria, parasite) or do you think, "maybe someone dumped solvents into the pond".
Just think about it. Why would any doctor think to prescribe LITERAL INSECTICIDE (look it up) to treat someone who has flu like symptoms and trouble breathing?
ALL OF THE "LEADERS" of the "VACCINE TRUTH" or "MEDICAL FREEDOM" movements are pushing Insecticide Cures for a FAKE disease: RFK Jr, Del Bigtree, Reiner Fuellmich,
All their doctor/nurse pals: Piere Kory, Paul Marik, Peter McCullough, Joe Mercola, Judy Mikovits, Tess Lawrie, David Martin, Paul Alexander, Roger Hodkinson, Nicole Sirotek, etc. etc too many to list
Look at the influencers, TRUSTED VOICES (think Event 201) pushing Ivermectin:
Jimmy Dore, Joe Rogan
Ivermectin is HIGHLY TOXIC!
Ivermectin is literal insecticide.
It's a Hobsen's Choice:
Clot shot? Or Insecticide?
Just in sum, if you Platform Ivermectin, then you are platforming the IDEA of a Deadly Invisible Death Plague Virus. Or a parasite. No Big difference.
I suggest a dose of some Tom Cowan, and Amandha Vollmer.
Maybe add some Tom Barnett, and Andrew Kaufman.
They will help you understand:
People do not get sick from Contagion.
Contagion aka Germ Theory is a totally discredited PSEUDOSCIENCE, a false paradigm for disease promoted by Rockefeller, Allopathic Medicine, which has dominated us for 100 years (Flexner Report), and Germ Theory for 150 years (Pasteur).
Once you are clear that ==> There AIN'T NO COVID! <==, then you will never be confused, wondering if Insecticide is indicated for people w/flu symptoms again.
Hi Bill, we agree 100%. 100%. I am not sure why you are attacking what I wrote. I feel a bit like i said the sky is blue and you are attacking me for saying the sky is pink. I never, never, never said "covid is a distinct disease of it's own." in fact the first line of the first point of the entire argument is "From the very start of the supposed crisis in Wuhan 2019, it was never established that any patients were sick due to a new and distinct disease." Why on earth does it look to you like I believe "covid" is a distinct disease? I never said that nor would i say that. You can go through 50 interviews I have done and not for a moment have I ever purported such a theory.
Indeed, I would remind anyone who is reading this of the Florence Nightingale quote "The specific disease doctrine is the grand refuge of weak, uncultured, unstable minds, such as now rule in the medical profession. There are no specific diseases; there are specific disease conditions.”
And yes, I 100% agree with you that people must find out the ACTUAL reasons they are sick. Not the fictional reasons. And that we as a society should be investigating the ACTUAL reasons people get sick so that we can improve our society - whether it is through nutrition, cleaning our air, water, soil, etc. or by avoiding toxins in our medicine. Sick people are not only people we should be helping out of pure compassion, but are canaries in the gold mine for all of us that there are environmental/social issues that out of balance.
I certainly never suggested that anyone TAKE ivermectin (or anything else for that matter). All I am pointing out is that if you DID take ivermectin, and your symptoms went away, then you most likely were suffering from parasites (not unicorn infestations and not "viruses"). That is all. I am not saying it is a GOOD way to deal with your parasite problem. From everything I know, it is a terrible way to deal with it. Does that clarify it for you? I don't know how much clearer I can be.
> All I am pointing out is that if [People with COVID, or people with COVID symptoms] DID take ivermectin, and their [COVID] symptoms went away, then most likely were suffering from parasites (not unicorn infestations and not "viruses")
So according to Mike Wallach , COVID isn't caused by a virus, instead COVID is caused by a parasite?
AGAIN: you are promoting the idea that COVID IS A UNIQUE, NEW, and DISTINGUISHING Syndrome. IT IS NOT.
If you the links i provided, you'd know that Ivermectin doesn't work well even as a dewormer.
ANY discussion of Ivermectin is going to lead people into confusion.
There is a LONG HISTORY of Bill Gates and Big Pharma using "insecticide Cures for fake diseases".
People pushing Ivermectin like Tess Lawrie, Robert Malone, Paul Marik, & Pierre Kory are extremely shady characters.
Please don't say i attacked you, Mike. A critique is not an attack.
>>I never, never, never said "covid is a distinct disease of it's own."
In your mind you CLEARLY think that "COVID is a thing" because according to you, Ivermectin cures "COVID symptoms".
It doesn't matter much if you think "COVID", meaning "IT", THE THING that is making people sick according to you and which is CONTAGIOUS, is caused by a virus or caused by some theoretical parasite (with absolutely no supporting data).
You think "COVID" is real.
COVID most certainly IS NOT real. If you are unclear about this, then let's talk.
What the heck is not clear about this Bill? I am flat out saying "covid" is NOT a distinct disease of it's own. I have said that 10 times now. Why are you claiming to look into my mind and say that what i REALLY think is the opposite of that? What on earth is going on? I am not unclear on this issue. I have been insanely clear on this. What on earth are you talking about? This is like an Alice in Wonderland discussion. One does not have to believe that covid is a distinct disease to believe that ivermectin can cure symptoms that have been labelled as covid. This i like kind of an obvious point. I can take aspirin for a headache and for joint pain in my knee, but it doesn't mean that all headaches and all joint pain have the same cause.
Also, why are you using quotes around words i never combined to make your argument? I never wrote the word combo "covid symptoms." do a search for it. you are literally making up things i never said, ascribing them to me, then critiquing me for them and also critiquing me for things you claim i think which run counter to everything i said. this is like something out of monty python...
There comes a point in time when saying, okay you are right, nothing more and moving on is the best way to deal with these issues! If you are agreeing with him and he is still arguing with you then he is arguing with himself and he doesn’t need you in the conversation...
Ok, then please tell me the exact conditions or symptoms for which you think prescribing Insectide (ivermectin) is indicated.
WHICH people got symptom relief from eating insecticide? Can you point to any studies which demonstrate that insecticide (IVM) is an effective treatment "for COVID"?
Ivermectin has been around for at least 50 years. It’s taken by millions of people worldwide with no evidence of toxicity. Uttar Pradesh in India is a perfect example of it working to end whatever this is. Of course they then ruined everything by injecting the population there to cover up the success of the ivermectin.
> Ivermectin has been around for at least 50 years.
Not quite. 47
> It’s taken by millions of people worldwide
The only statement that you got right.
> with no evidence of toxicity
Bzzzt. The LD50 for Ivermectin is 10 mg/kg. This is in the range of ACUTE TOXICITY, about like arsenic, cyanide, or strichnyne. THIS YOU CAN EASILY VERIFY YOURSELF by checking the MSDS or the package insert. Try Google.
> Uttar Pradesh in India is a perfect example of it working to end whatever this is
There you have demonstrated you confusion. You are implying that "THIS" (COVID sickness) is real.
It's not! This can be easily demonstrated a dozen ways!
👉NO unique, new, or Distinguishing Clinical Expression (syndrome)
👉NO Rigorous Etiology Performed
👉NO Suspect Pathogen Isolated
👉NO PROOF the Phantom Pathogen Causes the Non-distinguishing Syndrome
👉NO PROOF the Phantom Pathogen Causes Clinical Disease
👉NO MEANINGFUL SERUM TEST EXISTS calibrated against any real world reference materials.
So if you catch a cold (body detoxing) and you want to eat an Acutely TOXIC INSECTICIDE 10x more deadly that DDT or Hydrflourosilic Acid, well be my guest! (But i don't recommend it!)
No clearer statement of this exists, at least none that I have found. Sadly, the target audience for this kind of writing won't even consider reading it.
OK, so there is no virus. Let's agree on that since it is actually the easy part. But the recurrent problem with Terrain Theory (TT) is explaining to Germ Theory (GT) what caused the initial outbreaks and the initial deaths in Wuhan, Milan and Iran? Germ theorists did not invent those outbreaks out of thin air, and they deserve an answer.
What then caused these disease outbreaks and deaths to propagate worldwide? This is the Achilles heel of TT - they don't have a model for infectivity and disease transmission. Perhaps you can provide links or references? Thanks
First, I think the most obvious thing that changed in both Wuhan and Milan was that they both significantly increased their flu vaccination campaigns in 2019. That is why we saw people falling over suddenly in the middle of the street in Wuhan in 2019. It was sold to us by the media that this "was" the "new disease" but this was eventually dropped - and we could see how people then began falling over in the street the same way after the "covid" jabs were rolled out. Please research the work of Dr. Stefano Scoglio on this. He covers this in Episode One of my film The Viral Delusion
I think it is likely that the fact that these cities also both have some of the worst air pollution in the entire world also played a significant role. When people, especially elderly people, were compromised with these new injections, and then were also breathing in this heavily polluted air, we are looking at a very very dangerous combination, and one that is obviously going to lead to an increase in breathing difficulties, flus and pneumonias.
When this is further made worse by the vast assortment of drugs that are given on a regular basis to the elderly (the ones whose incidents of disease increased) which ALSO cause pneumonias, and which can halt the cleansing process of the body, then you have even more reason to see deaths increase (starting with the initial new cause of flu vaccines).
When you combine this with the very very very dangerous experimental treatments that were then given to these people - chiefly ventilators, but also other treatments - then is it any surprise that we saw the incidents of death go up in the elderly in these areas?
We have here then, at the least, a very obvious prima facia reason to investigate these factors more closely. However, that being said, there may very well have been other factors i am not aware of, and which should be investigated. Perhaps increased EMF exposure also played a role (even without 5g) of exacerbating these factors....
One of the things I have found quite interesting is looking at air quality, which is actually quite difficult to do, because most air quality testing is not very specific nor helpful. However, Jim West has looked at this and seen some interesting correlations in the NYC area between air pollution pockets and disease pockets. He has added the very interesting insight that the oil burned at NYC local power plants actually changed in recent times from oil that was brought from regular oil fields to oil that was brought from fracked oil fields in Pennsylvania. That is crucial as fracked oil contains a host of contaminants which would then be released into the air and cause breathing difficulties, flues, pneumonias etc, and yet because they are new and very very small, they are not measured by the air pollution quality tests designed in the 1980s (which weren't very good to begin with).
Similarly Stephanie Seneff at MIT has pointed out that cars are burning gasoline which is part ethanol based, and ethanol has only recently been grown and then manufactured with glyphosate and that this glyphosate can be found in the air in increasing amounts (though again, isn't measured on any government indices of air quality). Would you want to breathe in burning glyphosate? Not me!
Part of the beauty of terrain theory, in my eyes. is not that it gives easy answers when people have symptoms, but that it helps guide us to go looking for the real causes, no matter how complex or difficult that may be.
Of course, I am one person, reading here and there what I can. The question you asked is a very important, very important question, in my eyes, and deserves real dollars being spent on folks to look at it (and not corrupted industrial dollars meant to skew the results). I believe we can get there, that we can get to the point where we are wise enough as a society to demand these investigations and to make them happen when we see increases in sickness.
I have been doing much reading since Aug 8th. Based on the work of many researchers who cannot find any mRNA in the jabs, I now believe we have been intentionally injected with a chemical poison of mainly graphene, hydrogel, and NLPs. The WHOLE 'covid' saga is a hoax; virus, 'mRNA gene therapies', lab leaks, spike protein patents, EVERYTHING is a Trojan Horse subterfuge for one single thing: democide and depopulation. All the symptomatoloy and pathophysiology can be explained on the basis of a chemical poisoning.
Now that wouldn't surprise me in the least little bit. I've learnt since coming to an understanding of what kind of event 9/11 really was - not an "inside job" per se, big psyops seem to always contain masses of Trojan-horse style misdirection.
I have been doing much reading since Aug 8th. Based on the work of many researchers who cannot find any mRNA in the jabs, I now believe we have been intentionally injected with a chemical poison of mainly graphene, hydrogel, and NLPs. The WHOLE 'covid' saga is a hoax; virus, 'mRNA gene therapies', lab leaks, spike protein patents, EVERYTHING is a Trojan Horse subterfuge for one single thing: democide and depopulation. All the symptomatoloy and pathophysiology can be explained on the basis of a chemical poisoning.
You could not lay it out more clearly, could you? It could not be clearer and yet you can stand on your head, you can do cartwheels, you can jump up and down, point your finger at the Naked Emperor like an idiot, face-palm, bash your fist against your head ... it don't matter what you do, you cannot get through to those who don't want to know.
Those in power rely 100% on the limitless elasticity of the Emperor's New Clothes and when we analyse their psyops we need to factor that in, especially 9/11 (my baby) - not quite so relevant to covid but we always need to consider that those in power know that no matter what nonsense they tell us ... and they deliberately overegg the omelette shamelessly because they know they can and it even works better when they do ... the majority will swallow it.
I would like to add that the notion that is more recently raised by Dr Stafan Lanka (when at one time he called it for what I believe it really is, fraud) that we are here today because of "mistakes" or "failures" is all too convenient. There is a group of rich and powerful people who have benefitted enormously from the false belief and ability to blame viruses (and other pathogens) for the toxic environments that they have created with their products. Instead of paying the price and losing money and power, they instead brought about the creation of a fake medical field that will make money via and illusion that defends the industialists and also makes a packet for the new industry. So there is a motive in this crime and beneficiaries to these massive crimes. Yet it is so huge that maybe it is easier to opt to give the powers that be a "way out" so to speak and hence a better chance that change might be made?? Maybe. A direct battle with those responsible facing life in prison will create a monstrous backlash and show of their power that might be too difficult for this movement to deal with. Softly softly catch the monkey may be the moral here?
When I was sick with the so-called covid, I actually had bacterial pneumonia. Ivermectin solved this and I recovered a lot faster - actually used Ivermectin without the doctors knowledge, while in hospital.
This is an excellent article. Why is it that more medics and scientists wilfully evade looking into the real information and data? They perpetuate a very destructive myth that only favours the few, greedy controlling dominator types.
Great piece Mike,
My only quibble is with the title. This was not "tragically misguided" whatsoever. It was a pre-planned crime as you know.
If you view this whole 'pandemic' situation through the lens of health, safety, science and saving lives, then most of it makes little sense. If you view it through the lens of money, power, control, and wealth transfer, then all of it makes perfect sense.
Covid is not an epidemiological story. Covid is a crime story.
They needed the lockdowns. They needed the lockdowns to be long, destructive and depressing. They need everyone to be scared of more lockdowns so that they can say, "To avoid further lockdowns you need to accept Vaccine Passports."
The lockdowns, mandatory muzzles, anti-social distancing and the other measures did nothing to protect or improve public health- they were never designed to do so. They were all designed to deliberately break the global economy (and crush competition, especially small businesses) as well as break people's minds, will and the social fabric, in order to “build back better”, according to the diabolical and dystopian visions of the psychopaths waging this class war, which is essentially a billionaires utopia, in which they own the planet like a techno-feudal fiefdom, and oversee the drastically reduced population of digitally branded humanity like cattle in a super-surveilled technocracy.
The injections are the Trojan horse to get us in the door of that digital concentration camp (as well as the metaphorical gas chambers), starting with vax-ports, followed by digital IDs, and then connected to CBDC accounts and UBI scrip, which will allow them to track our every move and purchase, and “nudge” us toward whatever medical, dietary, or lifestyle choices they desire, at threat of having our rations reduced, or, if we misbehave too badly, being shut out of the system altogether. They’re specifically targeting kids and young people most of all, deliberately inflicting mass trauma on them, because they’re the ones who’ll grow up in that New Normal™️, and the goal is to condition them to accept total control over every aspect of their lives and a dehumanized screen-based existence, to the point where they won’t remember living any other way, breathing free, being free.
All talk of so-called efficacy of these poison injections are meaningless distractions and quite besides the (existentially urgent) point when you understand that the virus/disease they’re allegedly designed to protect against doesn’t exist in the first place and, additionally, what their real, above-mentioned purpose(s) is.
It’s blackmail on a global scale.
Covid-19, the 4th Industrial Revolution and Great Reset are all massive frauds to create a series of monopolies, cartels and oligopolies that govern food, energy, healthcare and the most basic parts of our lives. Fight this now or resign yourself to tyranny.
For those who haven’t heard, we are witnessing a globally coordinated plan (conspiracy) to use fear and safety as cover for a “reset” of the world economy and society. This is a planned and internationally coordinated strategy by the most powerful global elites-the ruling class.
There’s lots of different terminology and branding, for example: Great Reset, Fourth Industrial Revolution, Technocracy. The main aim of this plan is the concentration of power over capital, wealth, people and nature in the hands of the very largest corporations and monopolies.
This plan for a new phase of global capitalism is enabled by national states and governments, international organisations and quangos (EU, UN, NATO, IMF, WTO, WHO, Gates, GAVI). With no clear lines between state and non-state actors, this is also a form of global corporatism.
This is not in any way a “conspiracy theory” and anyone who rejects it as such is just not paying attention. It is being done in plain sight, in front of our eyes, openly. “Public Safety” is being used as the catch-all justification to entrench the Bio-Security State.
You can only understand the lockdown imperative in this context, for example it is an ideal opportunity for big capitalists and their state facilitators to crush SMEs and expand monopolies and for western states to permanently curtail ‘legacy freedoms’ that are hurdles to their dominance.
I believe that people with immense wealth and power conspire- this is not a theory it is a proven historical fact.
If you still cannot fathom that people with immense wealth and power conspire, then that doesn’t make me a “conspiracy theorist” — it makes you a coincidence theorist.
Anyone who still thinks any of this is motivated by a concern for our health or has anything much to do with science is beyond hope.
Anyone out there who thinks medicine, science, public health, politics, human rights, wealth, power, justice and corruption are NOT now insidiously intertwined, is not seeing reality.
Meanwhile the privileged, nominally educated people have uncritically accepted and are participating in and actively promoting a blatant medical fraud that is raining misery on hundreds of millions of people worldwide.
Mengele- Goebbels-Eichmann and the 100’s of Nazi çamp doctors were tried at Nuremberg- to this list let’s add all those who facilitate and participate in subjecting children to an unethical mass medical experiment with zero benefits but multiple documented hazards.
Best summary of what is going on and here some food for thought...
Nailed it! Best summary of this Covid hoax I have read. The emperor has no clothes!
Hi Mike, I sent you this in an email on Aug 3. I see you didn't respond or accept my suggestions here.
Overall, it's excellent.
Just this:
> Treating sick people labelled with covid with treatments known to cure non-viral problems was shown in many cases to help; e.g. Ivermectin,
Footnote cites this:
Mike, I personally would not sing the praises of Ivermectin.
Just read the MSDS and the package insert.
The entire history of Ivermectin as a treatment for "River blindness" is highly suspect.
(Author is my mentor, "Nurse Rose" -- she prefers to be anonymous,
writes under a pseudonym. She IS an RN, FTR)
Spacebusters Steve has one of the few good videos about Ivermectin:
Also, you are citing ROBERT MALONE!? Are you kidding me?
He's the biggest Virus-pushing snake of all.
You do realize that as he bashes THEIR Novel Coronavirus Vax for
"not being *completely* safe", he's developing his own? (RelCoVax)
Nurse Rose again:
Omar Jordan:
Saying is "known to cure" "sick people labelled with covid" is really misleading.
There is NO legally or medically meaningful diagnosis of "COVID".
All we have is a) an AMBIGUOUS clinical diagnosis of a non-distinguishing syndrome, and
b) a 100% bogus test, never calibrated to anything in the real world.
If we don't have a good, reasonable working definition of "Syndrome XYZ", then
how can we develop a study of an "effective treatment or cure" for Syndrome XYZ?
Personally, I'd remove the Ivermectin discussion,
but otherwise, excellent!
HI Bill.
Thanks so much for this. Sorry I didn't get back to your email. Apologies. These are all great points. However, I think to a degree perhaps you misunderstood me above (or perhaps I should have made what i was saying clearer). I didn't mention Ivermectin above in order to push it as a cure for a non-existent singular disease that everyone calls covid. I mention it only because there have been so many reports from doctors (at least it seems) in which they explained that their patients symptoms went away when they took ivermectin. since ivermectin is in reality an parasitic drug, then the obvious conclusion one should make (if these reports are true) is that the people were suffering from parasites, not a fictional unicorn virus. i meant to mention ivermectin in only that context. definitely not to push it in any way.
on that note, the spacebusters video on iv really is great. i love that guy. he has a mind like a knife. and his points about iv i 100% agree with.
on the malone issue - again, i don't cite him to say "he is wise" or some sh-t like that. it was only to provide a citation of someone attesting to the fact that people who believed they have "covid" took ivermectin and their symptoms went away. i.e. if they took an anti-parasite and their symptoms went away, then they probably had parasites as the (proximate) cause of the symptoms (not a "virus").
At the end there, again, i 100% agree with you. you cant take a medicine to kill the non-existent cause of a manipulated re-classification of symptoms anymore than can buy tickets to see it dance.
What I hope to do, by mentioning ivermectin, and the reason i want to leave it in, is that it one can begin to see, i hope, how all these experiences we have had over the past two years are understandable (and far more comprehensible) once we give up the myth of the virus. once we do that, we can see exactly how and why things like iv played a role in this story, and what role that was. i think its just amazing as we clear away the fog, how everything comes together and is visible in its larger entirety.
That being said, i didn't know HOW toxic IV really is. wow. its important as hell that people know its toxicity as well. for sure. your links are great on that. i encourage everyone to read them.
yet still, i hope you now understand why i want to continue to mention what i did.
okay, thanks (again) for those suggestions and links, they are much much appreciated.
Thanks for your thoughts, Mike.
I am only a stickler on this point is because /someone/ drilled this into me;
Forgive my candor: In seems to me in your mind, you are making a connection between "COVID" (the story, the narrative, "The Production" as John Titus says) and SYMPTOMS! This is FAULTY reasoning.
It looks to me like you BELIEVE in COVID!
COVID isn't real!
I would suggest that we forget completely about COVID.
Now, what symptoms are you talking about, Mike?
Flu like symptoms?
CDC says COVID and Flu express //identically// and cannot be distinguished clinically.
PCR is is uncalibrated garbage.
It's a Unicorn Detector which was calibrated to a CGI-Rendered Cartoon of a Unicorn, NOT anything in the Real-World (like a sputum sample of a sick person).
If there AIN'T NO COVID, then there is CERTAINLY NO REASON for people to eat Freaking LITERAL INSECTICIDE in order to treat or cure their "COVID".
If people are sick in Wuhan, then FIND OUT WHY.
This called a RIGOROUS ETIOLOGY, and should include a search for TOXINS.
Air Pollution / PFAS, and 5G are of particular concern there.
Now if people in NYC or N. Italy get sick with Flu-Like Symptoms, then WHY ON EARTH would you think these sicknesses are connected somehow?
Tom Cowan uses the analogy of a pond. One day, all the fish in the pond all die. Do you think, "it must have been a contagion"? (virus, bacteria, parasite) or do you think, "maybe someone dumped solvents into the pond".
Just think about it. Why would any doctor think to prescribe LITERAL INSECTICIDE (look it up) to treat someone who has flu like symptoms and trouble breathing?
ALL OF THE "LEADERS" of the "VACCINE TRUTH" or "MEDICAL FREEDOM" movements are pushing Insecticide Cures for a FAKE disease: RFK Jr, Del Bigtree, Reiner Fuellmich,
All their doctor/nurse pals: Piere Kory, Paul Marik, Peter McCullough, Joe Mercola, Judy Mikovits, Tess Lawrie, David Martin, Paul Alexander, Roger Hodkinson, Nicole Sirotek, etc. etc too many to list
Look at the influencers, TRUSTED VOICES (think Event 201) pushing Ivermectin:
Jimmy Dore, Joe Rogan
Ivermectin is HIGHLY TOXIC!
Ivermectin is literal insecticide.
It's a Hobsen's Choice:
Clot shot? Or Insecticide?
Just in sum, if you Platform Ivermectin, then you are platforming the IDEA of a Deadly Invisible Death Plague Virus. Or a parasite. No Big difference.
I suggest a dose of some Tom Cowan, and Amandha Vollmer.
Maybe add some Tom Barnett, and Andrew Kaufman.
They will help you understand:
People do not get sick from Contagion.
Contagion aka Germ Theory is a totally discredited PSEUDOSCIENCE, a false paradigm for disease promoted by Rockefeller, Allopathic Medicine, which has dominated us for 100 years (Flexner Report), and Germ Theory for 150 years (Pasteur).
Once you are clear that ==> There AIN'T NO COVID! <==, then you will never be confused, wondering if Insecticide is indicated for people w/flu symptoms again.
I love this video by ADV!!!!
Remember, there is NO WAY to diagnose COVID.
There is either
a) an AMBIGUOUS diagnosis of a non-distinguishing syndrome
or b) a 100% bogus "test" never calibrated to anything in the real world.
Summary of 8 core lies of Covid:
I hope this is helpful, and again, please forgive my directness and tone!
Hi Bill, we agree 100%. 100%. I am not sure why you are attacking what I wrote. I feel a bit like i said the sky is blue and you are attacking me for saying the sky is pink. I never, never, never said "covid is a distinct disease of it's own." in fact the first line of the first point of the entire argument is "From the very start of the supposed crisis in Wuhan 2019, it was never established that any patients were sick due to a new and distinct disease." Why on earth does it look to you like I believe "covid" is a distinct disease? I never said that nor would i say that. You can go through 50 interviews I have done and not for a moment have I ever purported such a theory.
Indeed, I would remind anyone who is reading this of the Florence Nightingale quote "The specific disease doctrine is the grand refuge of weak, uncultured, unstable minds, such as now rule in the medical profession. There are no specific diseases; there are specific disease conditions.”
And yes, I 100% agree with you that people must find out the ACTUAL reasons they are sick. Not the fictional reasons. And that we as a society should be investigating the ACTUAL reasons people get sick so that we can improve our society - whether it is through nutrition, cleaning our air, water, soil, etc. or by avoiding toxins in our medicine. Sick people are not only people we should be helping out of pure compassion, but are canaries in the gold mine for all of us that there are environmental/social issues that out of balance.
I certainly never suggested that anyone TAKE ivermectin (or anything else for that matter). All I am pointing out is that if you DID take ivermectin, and your symptoms went away, then you most likely were suffering from parasites (not unicorn infestations and not "viruses"). That is all. I am not saying it is a GOOD way to deal with your parasite problem. From everything I know, it is a terrible way to deal with it. Does that clarify it for you? I don't know how much clearer I can be.
> All I am pointing out is that if [People with COVID, or people with COVID symptoms] DID take ivermectin, and their [COVID] symptoms went away, then most likely were suffering from parasites (not unicorn infestations and not "viruses")
So according to Mike Wallach , COVID isn't caused by a virus, instead COVID is caused by a parasite?
AGAIN: you are promoting the idea that COVID IS A UNIQUE, NEW, and DISTINGUISHING Syndrome. IT IS NOT.
If you the links i provided, you'd know that Ivermectin doesn't work well even as a dewormer.
ANY discussion of Ivermectin is going to lead people into confusion.
There is a LONG HISTORY of Bill Gates and Big Pharma using "insecticide Cures for fake diseases".
People pushing Ivermectin like Tess Lawrie, Robert Malone, Paul Marik, & Pierre Kory are extremely shady characters.
Please don't say i attacked you, Mike. A critique is not an attack.
>>I never, never, never said "covid is a distinct disease of it's own."
In your mind you CLEARLY think that "COVID is a thing" because according to you, Ivermectin cures "COVID symptoms".
It doesn't matter much if you think "COVID", meaning "IT", THE THING that is making people sick according to you and which is CONTAGIOUS, is caused by a virus or caused by some theoretical parasite (with absolutely no supporting data).
You think "COVID" is real.
COVID most certainly IS NOT real. If you are unclear about this, then let's talk.
What the heck is not clear about this Bill? I am flat out saying "covid" is NOT a distinct disease of it's own. I have said that 10 times now. Why are you claiming to look into my mind and say that what i REALLY think is the opposite of that? What on earth is going on? I am not unclear on this issue. I have been insanely clear on this. What on earth are you talking about? This is like an Alice in Wonderland discussion. One does not have to believe that covid is a distinct disease to believe that ivermectin can cure symptoms that have been labelled as covid. This i like kind of an obvious point. I can take aspirin for a headache and for joint pain in my knee, but it doesn't mean that all headaches and all joint pain have the same cause.
Also, why are you using quotes around words i never combined to make your argument? I never wrote the word combo "covid symptoms." do a search for it. you are literally making up things i never said, ascribing them to me, then critiquing me for them and also critiquing me for things you claim i think which run counter to everything i said. this is like something out of monty python...
There comes a point in time when saying, okay you are right, nothing more and moving on is the best way to deal with these issues! If you are agreeing with him and he is still arguing with you then he is arguing with himself and he doesn’t need you in the conversation...
Are you saying that anyone with flu like symptoms should eat Toxic Poison Insecticide?
What ever happened to Orange Juice?
Are you saying that the flu is caused by a parasite?
There is some unclear thinking at the root of this Michael, and respectfully, I'm only trying to help you find it.
Ok, then please tell me the exact conditions or symptoms for which you think prescribing Insectide (ivermectin) is indicated.
WHICH people got symptom relief from eating insecticide? Can you point to any studies which demonstrate that insecticide (IVM) is an effective treatment "for COVID"?
Ivermectin has been around for at least 50 years. It’s taken by millions of people worldwide with no evidence of toxicity. Uttar Pradesh in India is a perfect example of it working to end whatever this is. Of course they then ruined everything by injecting the population there to cover up the success of the ivermectin.
> Ivermectin has been around for at least 50 years.
Not quite. 47
> It’s taken by millions of people worldwide
The only statement that you got right.
> with no evidence of toxicity
Bzzzt. The LD50 for Ivermectin is 10 mg/kg. This is in the range of ACUTE TOXICITY, about like arsenic, cyanide, or strichnyne. THIS YOU CAN EASILY VERIFY YOURSELF by checking the MSDS or the package insert. Try Google.
> Uttar Pradesh in India is a perfect example of it working to end whatever this is
There you have demonstrated you confusion. You are implying that "THIS" (COVID sickness) is real.
It's not! This can be easily demonstrated a dozen ways!
👉NO unique, new, or Distinguishing Clinical Expression (syndrome)
👉NO Rigorous Etiology Performed
👉NO Suspect Pathogen Isolated
👉NO PROOF the Phantom Pathogen Causes the Non-distinguishing Syndrome
👉NO PROOF the Phantom Pathogen Causes Clinical Disease
👉NO MEANINGFUL SERUM TEST EXISTS calibrated against any real world reference materials.
So if you catch a cold (body detoxing) and you want to eat an Acutely TOXIC INSECTICIDE 10x more deadly that DDT or Hydrflourosilic Acid, well be my guest! (But i don't recommend it!)
No clearer statement of this exists, at least none that I have found. Sadly, the target audience for this kind of writing won't even consider reading it.
Bravo. Fantastic and lucid. Thank you for nailing it, Mike. However I agree with Allen's comment about the title.
Love your series. Still working through Part 5. Well done.
never before have i read such a load of crock in just one piece!
to take out just one: ivermectin has, quite well documented, anti viral properties.
and anyone that has done his due diligence would have known....
OK, so there is no virus. Let's agree on that since it is actually the easy part. But the recurrent problem with Terrain Theory (TT) is explaining to Germ Theory (GT) what caused the initial outbreaks and the initial deaths in Wuhan, Milan and Iran? Germ theorists did not invent those outbreaks out of thin air, and they deserve an answer.
What then caused these disease outbreaks and deaths to propagate worldwide? This is the Achilles heel of TT - they don't have a model for infectivity and disease transmission. Perhaps you can provide links or references? Thanks
Marc Mullie MD
Hi Marc,
Thanks for the comment.
First, I think the most obvious thing that changed in both Wuhan and Milan was that they both significantly increased their flu vaccination campaigns in 2019. That is why we saw people falling over suddenly in the middle of the street in Wuhan in 2019. It was sold to us by the media that this "was" the "new disease" but this was eventually dropped - and we could see how people then began falling over in the street the same way after the "covid" jabs were rolled out. Please research the work of Dr. Stefano Scoglio on this. He covers this in Episode One of my film The Viral Delusion
I think it is likely that the fact that these cities also both have some of the worst air pollution in the entire world also played a significant role. When people, especially elderly people, were compromised with these new injections, and then were also breathing in this heavily polluted air, we are looking at a very very dangerous combination, and one that is obviously going to lead to an increase in breathing difficulties, flus and pneumonias.
When this is further made worse by the vast assortment of drugs that are given on a regular basis to the elderly (the ones whose incidents of disease increased) which ALSO cause pneumonias, and which can halt the cleansing process of the body, then you have even more reason to see deaths increase (starting with the initial new cause of flu vaccines).
When you combine this with the very very very dangerous experimental treatments that were then given to these people - chiefly ventilators, but also other treatments - then is it any surprise that we saw the incidents of death go up in the elderly in these areas?
We have here then, at the least, a very obvious prima facia reason to investigate these factors more closely. However, that being said, there may very well have been other factors i am not aware of, and which should be investigated. Perhaps increased EMF exposure also played a role (even without 5g) of exacerbating these factors....
One of the things I have found quite interesting is looking at air quality, which is actually quite difficult to do, because most air quality testing is not very specific nor helpful. However, Jim West has looked at this and seen some interesting correlations in the NYC area between air pollution pockets and disease pockets. He has added the very interesting insight that the oil burned at NYC local power plants actually changed in recent times from oil that was brought from regular oil fields to oil that was brought from fracked oil fields in Pennsylvania. That is crucial as fracked oil contains a host of contaminants which would then be released into the air and cause breathing difficulties, flues, pneumonias etc, and yet because they are new and very very small, they are not measured by the air pollution quality tests designed in the 1980s (which weren't very good to begin with).
Similarly Stephanie Seneff at MIT has pointed out that cars are burning gasoline which is part ethanol based, and ethanol has only recently been grown and then manufactured with glyphosate and that this glyphosate can be found in the air in increasing amounts (though again, isn't measured on any government indices of air quality). Would you want to breathe in burning glyphosate? Not me!
Part of the beauty of terrain theory, in my eyes. is not that it gives easy answers when people have symptoms, but that it helps guide us to go looking for the real causes, no matter how complex or difficult that may be.
Of course, I am one person, reading here and there what I can. The question you asked is a very important, very important question, in my eyes, and deserves real dollars being spent on folks to look at it (and not corrupted industrial dollars meant to skew the results). I believe we can get there, that we can get to the point where we are wise enough as a society to demand these investigations and to make them happen when we see increases in sickness.
Thank you so much for this detailed reply!
Sure thing. Fire away if you have more thoughts or questions.
I have been doing much reading since Aug 8th. Based on the work of many researchers who cannot find any mRNA in the jabs, I now believe we have been intentionally injected with a chemical poison of mainly graphene, hydrogel, and NLPs. The WHOLE 'covid' saga is a hoax; virus, 'mRNA gene therapies', lab leaks, spike protein patents, EVERYTHING is a Trojan Horse subterfuge for one single thing: democide and depopulation. All the symptomatoloy and pathophysiology can be explained on the basis of a chemical poisoning.
Marc Mullie MD
Now that wouldn't surprise me in the least little bit. I've learnt since coming to an understanding of what kind of event 9/11 really was - not an "inside job" per se, big psyops seem to always contain masses of Trojan-horse style misdirection.
I have been doing much reading since Aug 8th. Based on the work of many researchers who cannot find any mRNA in the jabs, I now believe we have been intentionally injected with a chemical poison of mainly graphene, hydrogel, and NLPs. The WHOLE 'covid' saga is a hoax; virus, 'mRNA gene therapies', lab leaks, spike protein patents, EVERYTHING is a Trojan Horse subterfuge for one single thing: democide and depopulation. All the symptomatoloy and pathophysiology can be explained on the basis of a chemical poisoning.
Marc Mullie MD
TT doesn't start where flesh and bones end - the flesh and bones are an integral part of THE TERRAIN!
You could not lay it out more clearly, could you? It could not be clearer and yet you can stand on your head, you can do cartwheels, you can jump up and down, point your finger at the Naked Emperor like an idiot, face-palm, bash your fist against your head ... it don't matter what you do, you cannot get through to those who don't want to know.
Those in power rely 100% on the limitless elasticity of the Emperor's New Clothes and when we analyse their psyops we need to factor that in, especially 9/11 (my baby) - not quite so relevant to covid but we always need to consider that those in power know that no matter what nonsense they tell us ... and they deliberately overegg the omelette shamelessly because they know they can and it even works better when they do ... the majority will swallow it.
I would like to add that the notion that is more recently raised by Dr Stafan Lanka (when at one time he called it for what I believe it really is, fraud) that we are here today because of "mistakes" or "failures" is all too convenient. There is a group of rich and powerful people who have benefitted enormously from the false belief and ability to blame viruses (and other pathogens) for the toxic environments that they have created with their products. Instead of paying the price and losing money and power, they instead brought about the creation of a fake medical field that will make money via and illusion that defends the industialists and also makes a packet for the new industry. So there is a motive in this crime and beneficiaries to these massive crimes. Yet it is so huge that maybe it is easier to opt to give the powers that be a "way out" so to speak and hence a better chance that change might be made?? Maybe. A direct battle with those responsible facing life in prison will create a monstrous backlash and show of their power that might be too difficult for this movement to deal with. Softly softly catch the monkey may be the moral here?
Great article.
When I was sick with the so-called covid, I actually had bacterial pneumonia. Ivermectin solved this and I recovered a lot faster - actually used Ivermectin without the doctors knowledge, while in hospital.
Excellent play by play account of our situation and how we got here. Thanks! I'll share widely.
Thanks Greg!
Superb article. 😀 and thanks for making the film.
Thanks Brian!
I am amazed that there are still people out there to go at length to spell it out the way you did ...
Some food for thought...
This is an excellent article. Why is it that more medics and scientists wilfully evade looking into the real information and data? They perpetuate a very destructive myth that only favours the few, greedy controlling dominator types.
We need scientific proof or it doesn't exist !
I rest my case.
(This also applies to any of those gods they are relentlessly pushing on us)