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Great post, Mike!

> Mike Yeadon, former VP and Chief Scientist for Respiratory Disease at Pfizer, seems to agree

My only quibble is with Mike Yeadon. In the context you've provided, he's a great reference, at least superficially. Yes, he "seems to agree".

However, if you read his latest piece carefully, you'll see that he doesn't say "no viruses", and he doesn't even say "no SARS-CoV-2". He says "no NOVEL virus". It seems like it was carefully crafted by an attorney, to seem to be taking a stand, yet he doesn't make it to the goal line by mere inches.

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The more “educated” people seem to be, the harder it is for them to see through the programming. He was part of that world for so long, who knows he still might be, so yes I agree he hasn’t gone the whole way like many are saying.

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Well I didn't read the Yeadon piece yet, but I feel that Dr. Sam Bailey bringing in the idea that not just this one but no viruses at all exist takes us off on a long path away from the topic at hand, that THIS one doesn't exist, even though upon watching her video obviously one conclusion needs follow the other.

I am with you of course that the approach taken by our allies in Congress, of "something something lab-->only indefinitely later bring up what the labs were, supposedly, working on was the vaxes" takes us not only on the long path, but off-path with only a "trust us" to bring us back.

My complaint with Yeadon is after listening to him, maybe he didn't say exactly, but my image was two fifths of mankind should have been dead by now from these "vaxes."

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I never claimed a specific death rate from these injections. Not prospectively.

I also guessed that the perpetrators wouldn’t want a very high death rate from these, first generation mRNA injections.

I think it’ll be repeated jabs of nastier, more lethally calibrated injections, if they get us all onto digital ID. Just make being up to date with WHO recommended vaccines a condition of continuing validity of digital ID.

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Dear Mike, the world is waiting for your help in virus debunking. Are you up to prove your sincerity by taking the Yeadon Challenge here?


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My local Internet provider just sent an email suggesting that I take a selfie and tie it my digital ID records to "improve security online."

It's happening and before we know it, it'll be required for every single activity known to man. A digital prison planet in the making.

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For a picture taken by a digital camera is not going to be legally enough for digital ID. But the fingerprints that will be made by an individual physically touching the digital fingerprint scanner will be legally enough to call a living individual as a legal person identified by digital ID. Digital fingerprinting is what has to be avoided to de-rail digital id rollout. Do not comply.

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Does it seem to you that mankind is healthier after these 'vaccines'?

Increased mortality in every single country and decreased natality rates isn't good enough for depopulation?

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