The evidence clearly indicates a harsh and uncomfortable reality - there was no pandemic.

Portraying the deeds of the past three years as mere mistakes serves to conceal the deadly protocols established in the hospitals and nursing homes as well as provides cover for those who designed and executed this operation.

We have not been and are not facing what RFK Jr has termed “a mismanaged pandemic,” a stance supported by most “health freedom” celebrites. What we are dealing with is fraud, tyranny and mass murder.

Terrorizing and isolating elderly people especially those living in care homes, denying them visits from relatives and reducing or eliminating in-personal visits from health and social carers became "standard of care."

Mechanical ventilators push oxygen into patients whose lungs are failing. Using the machines involves sedating a patient and sticking a tube into the throat. It was massive overuse of a treatment (ventilation) with no solid evidential basis, now known to be extremely harmful.

Midazolam, Propofol and Morphine cocktails were given to the elderly in hospitals to create the illusion of the first wave of the hoax pandemic.

What if It was an epidemic of government and medical assault, of false attribution of death, and of intense propaganda using fraudulent tests and bogus studies?

Start talking about global operations, conditional Universal Basic Income, programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies, digital slavery, mass surveillance rolled across the world via an endless series of manufactured crises and much of the "health freedom movement" run off.

The catapulting of GoF and "Covid" variants and on and on is part of this Psyop. Those who perpetuate these fabrications are part of the problem, knowingly or not, and are doing the work for the Bio-security State by maintaining and heightening the fear mechanisms.

“It’s just a virus and some bad actors” say the public. “A bioweapon that needs to be contained next time” say the subverted Covid oppositional actors.

Plenty of narrative reinforcement to go around. The “lab leak”, "bioweapon" story has resurfaced and is gaining traction amongst the “acceptable” ‘Covid sceptics.’

The insistence on using the “lab leak” red herring covers up the actual crimes that were committed.

However, if there was no pandemic, no evidence for a virus, what do we do then?

Well, we'd have to hold our government, our health regulatory agencies and our Media to account. The whole system would be exposed as the corrupt house of cards it is. The Lab Leak Theory keeps the whole charade alive and well.

There was no pandemic ever- there is no "lab leak"- there is no "unique viral pathogen"- there is no "China Virus"- there is no "bioweapon"- There is no "There" there.

It was an epidemic of violent government and medical assault against people, of false attribution of death, and of intense propaganda using fraudulent tests and bogus studies.

The official narrative of "Covid" is fictional- all facets of it.

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Yes indeed.

It was just fear.

Spread and amplified by media. The Govt's MO is fear- submission- control.

The media narrative is that of the collective ego, it is clearly insane .

Humanity is still in a mass formation psychosis.

The ego ( fear is its signature) keeps the big lie in place " Its easier to fool people than to convince them they've been fooled".

But as we can see the truth about convid is out and many people know. We cant look to the media to know how many dont believe the hype as the media is metaverse of unreality .

What really matters is an inner shift from the fear paradigm that enslaves us to love.

Knowing the truth sets one free.

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so do love, friendship and empathy.

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Fear doesn’t prevent death, it prevents life…

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my Priest told me, "If you live in fear, you're already dead"...

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Absolute SPOT ON and this is not the first time they have used the same chapter out of their (globalist parasites) playbook; but this is the first time to my knowledge that they committed such blatant democide / genocide of mainly the elderly "useless eaters" or "people with no economic benefit" as they call them. (Regards the made up virus, jab and or just later killings... you can go back to the Spanish Flu, talk about avian or swine flu etc... all parts of the bigger and long term sick and satanic agenda.).

They killed my Mum on Jan 1st this year (2023), after switching off the medication THAT WAS WORKING (they said it "the switching off" was an accident), but by the time the rest of the family arrived she was on the "End of life care"... and just like other braindead, multi-jabbed, ignorant morons, my immediate family thought I was callous and mad, when I provided all the information, tried to get them to take her out of hospital immediately and told them exactly what would happen. No comment required nor sympathy.

All of the following is on record, notice also how the mainstream media is coming out with more and more stuff about Euthanasia ... with sob stories that the masses for fall, so they can be pushed to allow the same Euthanasia laws as they now have in Canada ??? ... sort of mandatary Euthanasia for many "not perfect citizens".

A good death in Greek = Explanation: Euthanasia is the practice of ending the life of a patient to limit the patient's suffering. The patient in question would typically be terminally ill or experiencing great pain and suffering. The word "euthanasia" itself comes from the Greek words "eu" (good) and "thanatos" (death).

KILL THEM... but call it "End of life care"..... or a Good Death.

OH LOOK (in the UK) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mdUc4TdswE

RIGHT (getting angry now) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnV9LumDxZk .... and .... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suwk1bNLqO8

FINISHED so sharpening my pitch fork - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKxIEQ7mrCo

PS Say it all the time, so sorry to be repetitive; but it also strips away our Christian religious beliefs (also part of their agenda for the ONE WORLD RELIGION) ... Christians = Euthanasia = Suicide... a NO NO.

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As a Christian, I’ll speak out against this multinational Democide until the day I die. For those who have ears, let them hear.

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With you all the way.

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Me too.

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Many thanks for your comments and links. I am very sorry to hear about you mum. I had an uncle in hospital in Bristol and I wonder what really happened to him. He died there in 2020.

How did anybody ever fell for the obvious lies of Matt Hancock? However, it was written God will send a great delusion, and we have seen a flood of lies.

I see that 'end of life care' anagrams to among other things ’A dr lie offence'. I couldn't have put it better.

As for Matt Hancock I tried.


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I am 5 months late - I admit,, scrolled down fast "I bet Allen is here" - I was right!.

But I think we need more - yes, "manufactured crisis" but why? - Maybe go back to what CA Fitts and a very few others were saying Summer 2020: concealed liquidity crisis. Here is another guy - writing 2 years ago: "... lockdowns and the global suspension of economic transactions were intended to 1) Allow the Fed to flood the ailing financial markets with freshly printed money while deferring hyperinflation; and 2) Introduce mass vaccination programmes and health passports as pillars of a neo-feudal regime of capitalist accumulation. As we shall see, the two aims merge into one. ..." I think it quite brilliant - and without knowing the outcome of the vax program. There is a clarity to be gained by reading what was being said 2 years ago in the context of what we have seen happen since then.


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Why do the celebrities do this? At least some of them do so in order to promote their "alternative management" regime as a replacements for the "mismanagement" one, because they are invested in it, both financially as well as ideologically/emotionally. Why do so many activists do so? Because they are invested in the celebrities, whom they feel obligated to because "they've been fighting for "us" the last 3 years," and because they cannot handle the prospect that they've been helping to spread disinformation.

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Maybe some celebs are on blackmailing lists and that is why they stay in line? Could be something small like tax evasion or even something completely fictional, simply coerced by the threat of being smeared for fictional crimes? We've seen this recently with many of them. Character assassination works for everyone.

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Explains some of it, but not the VEHEMENCE with which they defend the line and attack "deviants." They are INVESTED in the lie. Some of them literally, as in money invested, e.g. Malione has vaccine patents, Steve Kirsch has a company called COVID Early Treatment Program (CETP), RFK Jr has investments in companies which do testing..... All of them are invested in that they have peddled the fraud for a long time, and risk being discredited if is revealed that the whole thing is a lie.

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Yes, profiteers, persuaders, useful iditiots and thugs. The usual clique. Like the average politician.

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This is the power of the Ministry of Truth and their PR Team...

They can make people believe a circle is a square - that 1+1 = 8.78

It does not matter that there was no deadly pandemic - all that matters is that most people believed that there was.

And they were fearful... so they queued up in parking lots for the miracle shot.

They have destroyed their immune systems (VAIDS) and are now susceptible to whatever the men running this show have in store for them

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Exactly! Even the common cold or seasonal flu is going to be a challenge for the vaccinated

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It gets more ominous now...


Fast Eddy

2 hrs ago

This is the smoking gun that confirms that mass murder was carried out for the purpose of frightening people into injecting the covid 'vaccines'... as we can see - the deaths were caused by Midazolam -- https://theviraldelusion.substack.com/p/the-great-lie-and-the-data-that-shows/

This establishes malicious intent.

Concurrent infections of cells by two pathogens can enable a reactivation of the first pathogen and the second pathogen's accelerated T-cell exhaustion


IgG4, on the other hand, responds to allergens. If you get stung by a bee for example, your body might react with IgG3 or other antibodies and cause you to have an allergic reaction. To avoid this, your body learns how to recognise relatively insignificant foreign objects by switching to IgG4. Instead of increased inflammation to fight the foreign object, your immune system recognises that this is nothing major. Long term exposure, for example in bee keepers, produces this response. Immunotherapy also works this way by training your body with the foreign object you are allergic to until it is trained to produce an IgG4 response.


So what would happen to the Vaxxers if a lab-made pathogen was released that was designed to exploit the above situation as well as what you have discussed in the presentation?

Would it be possible to spread such a pathogen and severely sicken/kill most if not all Vaxxers due to their damaged immunity?


Dr. Kevin Stillwagon

58 mins ago


Yes it is possible. There are elites among us that think the world is overpopulated. The easiest way to reduce that population is to convince people to willingly inject something that they think will protect them, but it does the opposite. And the elites get richer doing it.

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EXCELLENT post! "There was no new disease. There was no contagious virus. What happened in 2020 was mass medical murder."


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I think there definitely was a "contagious virus." It just wasn't a lethal virus. The ILI data and unprecedented number of school closings tell us that there was a severe and widespread virus spreading across the country, making tens of millions of people sick - they just weren't dying.

Look at the IFR from the Roosevelt, de Gaulle and Kidd "outbreaks." That tells you the real lethality of this disease.

Three links that tell me there WAS a contagious virus. Still, I agree with the main point of these authors - it wasn't this virus that was killing all these people. It was the iatrogenic protocols.




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"I think there definitely was a "contagious virus. It just wasn't a lethal virus. " - err nope and whilst the above is an excellent "article" ... it does not go far enough in saying:


No I am not medical, but when I first got involved in this topic; it was obvious to me it was all made up .. for reasons beyond my comprehension at the time... apart from it was so orchestrated... well it was just wrong as I read the UK news, but I live in the EU and the jargon (so called news) were just mirror images of each other, then the political puppets with their speaking stands all with "Build Back Better" and other BS .. just gave the game away really. MY POINT IS THAT I STARTED CHATTING and having conversations predominately over the internet with many people and in all fields.

But I still believed in viruses - my main argument was based on the likes of the common cold or flu .. but all so called viruses have been proved to be a complete load of nonsense, the illnesses caused by your local environmental factors or own poor health. Of course we can all catch the sniffles, a cold of flu IN THE WINTER; but just try eating foods rich in the likes of Vitamin D, C, Iron plus, or take vitiman supplements (not as good), buy a sunbed... and of course stay healthy'ish.... and job done.

Took me a year plus (and I have time on my hands) to come to terms how we have been hoodwinked and lied to our whole lives... but it makes a hell of a difference, when you understand.

1 short and 1 longer video that may help and sorry for posting them again:

a) Viruses ? (longer) - https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/germ-theory-vs-terrain-theory:0?lid=9d1e46a345812bd8ef944f17682b445edd56360c

b) Overview of why we have been lied to - my favourite ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsqhwXfn2IU


PS Regards your links... well we all have our own views, so it is down to you on who and what to believe, for now, we shall agree to disagree.

Regards Bill Rice Jr. ... no comment, but allegedly, his education was as follows:


Troy University Troy University

Bachelor's degree, Political Science and Marketing Bachelor's degree, Political Science and Marketing

1986 - 1989 ... 1986 - 1989

Troy University and University of Alabama Troy University and University of Alabama

Bachelor's degree, Political Science and Marketing Bachelor's degree, Political Science and Marketing

1986 - 1989 ... 1986 - 1989

The University of Alabama

Business/Commerce, GeneralBusiness/Commerce, General

1983 - 1986 .... 1983 - 1986

Activities and societies: Sigma Nu social fraternityActivities and societies: Sigma Nu social fraternity

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Against all the presented evidence, you still "think", by your indoctrinated believes. That's why we are doomed and we will turn another round in this scam. Sorry to say this but posts like yours show why we are in this mess.

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What excellent and inspired comments here.

Underlying all the lies that have been and continue to be exposed about the fake pandemic and its deadly consequences is the older and foundational lie of the decades-long takeover of "conventional" or "modern" medicine by the Rockefeller/Carnegie cartel sometimes pinned to the release of the Flexner Report. In the end, what was termed "allopathic medicine" was born, baptized and has ruled ever since. "Modern" medicine relies heavily on the "germ" theory and drugs and surgery that only treat symptoms. "Viruses" are the raison d'etre of the multi-billion dollar vaccine industry.

The elephant in the room is much larger than the lie of virology and contagion and "immunity." Dare I say that the whole wrong-headed system of medicine that licenses MDs and punishes them for diverging from the now fully-coded system of diagnosis and "standard of care" needs to be outed and forced into the same tiny quadrant of existence that it managed to shove more effective health practices like osteopathy, homeopathy, chiropractic etc.

The tyranny is more pervasive and older than the past three years.

What most do not realize is that the onerous measures put into effect and the worldwide roll-out of a shot that is harmful and sometimes deadly was the playing of a hand that, in the end, will bring down the house of cards.

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I know you know. Thank you for your attention- and award-worthy documentary series. It is the best overall exposé of the "delusion" out there. Onward!

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Thanks. Comments like yours are great to see!

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Well said. Ultimately the whole thing was deliberate to show once and for all to the wise that vaccines, among other things, are a gross deceit based on fraudulent germ/viral theory. I call the exercise the Great Retest.


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I suspect it is too late for that...

Concurrent infections of cells by two pathogens can enable a reactivation of the first pathogen and the second pathogen's accelerated T-cell exhaustion


IgG4, on the other hand, responds to allergens. If you get stung by a bee for example, your body might react with IgG3 or other antibodies and cause you to have an allergic reaction. To avoid this, your body learns how to recognise relatively insignificant foreign objects by switching to IgG4. Instead of increased inflammation to fight the foreign object, your immune system recognises that this is nothing major. Long term exposure, for example in bee keepers, produces this response. Immunotherapy also works this way by training your body with the foreign object you are allergic to until it is trained to produce an IgG4 response.


So what would happen to the Vaxxers if a lab-made pathogen was released that was designed to exploit the above situation ... and was 'major' ... as in deadly?

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Define "lab-made pathogen" and then come up with its method of transmission. Injecting a toxin (like a bee sting) or a shot is an entirely different route of transmission than breathing in or eating or drinking. Snake venom can be swallowed and quickly broken down in the stomach to no negative effect as opposed to a snake's bite. How is a "lab-made pathogen" going to leave a lab and infect millions of people?

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For 3 years no less! 🤡

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Kinda like this ... only different

The deadliest strains of viruses often take care of themselves — they flare up and then die out. This is because they are so good at destroying cells and causing illness that they ultimately kill their host before they have time to spread.

But a chicken virus that represents one of the deadliest germs in history breaks from this conventional wisdom, thanks to an inadvertent effect from a vaccine. Chickens vaccinated against Marek’s disease rarely get sick. But the vaccine does not prevent them from spreading Marek’s to unvaccinated birds.

“With the hottest strains, every unvaccinated bird dies within 10 days. There is no human virus that is that hot. Ebola, for example, doesn’t kill everything in 10 days.”

In fact, rather than stop fowl from spreading the virus, the vaccine allows the disease to spread faster and longer than it normally would, a new study finds. The scientists now believe that this vaccine has helped this chicken virus become uniquely virulent. (Note: it only harms fowl). The study was published on Monday in the journal PLOS Biology.

This is the first time that this virus-boosting phenomenon, known as the imperfect vaccine hypothesis, has been observed experimentally.

The reason this is a problem for Marek’s disease is because the vaccine is “leaky.” A leaky vaccine is one that keeps a microbe from doing serious harm to its host, but doesn’t stop the disease from replicating and spreading to another individual. On the other hand, a “perfect” vaccine is one that sets up lifelong immunity that never wanes and blocks both infection and transmission.

It’s important to note childhood vaccines for polio, measles, mumps, rubella and smallpox aren’t leaky; they are considered “perfect” vaccines. As such, they are in no way in danger of falling prey to this phenomenon.

But the results do raise the questions for some human vaccines that are leaky – such as malaria, and other agricultural vaccines, such as the one being used against avian influenza, or bird flu.


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i would be curious to read the papers on this if you have them. in my experience, what passes for science on stuff like this is often just story-telling.

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There is plenty of evidence that the Covid vaccines damage the immune system - immune exhaustion/OAS....





For obvious reasons .... there is no published research that involves creating a pathogen that is custom designed to take advantage of the damaged immune systems of the Vaxxed... enter their cells... and kill them.

I can understand that most will think that 'they' would never do this -- 'they' would never kill billions ... why would they do such a thing?

Keep in mind -- they killed many thousands -- blamed these deaths on Covid -- for the purpose of frightening the masses and convincing them to get injected.


Why would they do this and why is every single government on board with this heinous plan?

Because they understand that it is necessary... the alternative is far worse:

Details https://www.headsupster.com/forumthread?shortId=220

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The mechanisms of two types of Antibody Dependent Enhancement from mRNA injections explained in simple terms


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Fast Eddy

2 hrs ago

This is the smoking gun that confirms that mass murder was carried out for the purpose of frightening people into injecting the covid 'vaccines'... as we can see - the deaths were caused by Midazolam -- https://theviraldelusion.substack.com/p/the-great-lie-and-the-data-that-shows/

This establishes malicious intent.

Concurrent infections of cells by two pathogens can enable a reactivation of the first pathogen and the second pathogen's accelerated T-cell exhaustion


IgG4, on the other hand, responds to allergens. If you get stung by a bee for example, your body might react with IgG3 or other antibodies and cause you to have an allergic reaction. To avoid this, your body learns how to recognise relatively insignificant foreign objects by switching to IgG4. Instead of increased inflammation to fight the foreign object, your immune system recognises that this is nothing major. Long term exposure, for example in bee keepers, produces this response. Immunotherapy also works this way by training your body with the foreign object you are allergic to until it is trained to produce an IgG4 response.


So what would happen to the Vaxxers if a lab-made pathogen was released that was designed to exploit the above situation as well as what you have discussed in the presentation?

Would it be possible to spread such a pathogen and severely sicken/kill most if not all Vaxxers due to their damaged immunity?

Dr. Kevin Stillwagon

53 mins ago


Yes it is possible. There are elites among us that think the world is overpopulated. The easiest way to reduce that population is to convince people to willingly inject something that they think will protect them, but it does the opposite. And the elites get richer doing it.

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The "perfect" vaccines target DNA viruses; DNA viruses are incredibly slow to mutate, whereas RNA viruses, such as those that cause the common cold, mutate very rapidly. So, IF (major IF) there actually is a SARS-Cov-2 virus, a coronavirus, it is an RNA virus. Therefore, by the time you develop, produce, and distribute a jab, the bug is already different from the one you built the jab for. As Fast Eddy notes, leaky vaccines force mutation. Not a good idea to deploy leaky vaccines, unless your goal is to produce leaky vaccines for variant after variant in a never ending cash parade.

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"Notice the following uncontested fact: deaths were entirely normal the entire winter and early spring, across the entire world, and then deaths suddenly spiked, in every locale where they spiked, immediately after lock-downs and the associated change in hospital protocols dictated by the WHO and other medical authorities.

There was no gradually rising curve that would suggest a new contagious disease was spreading."


"There was no new disease. There was no contagious virus. What happened in 2020 was mass medical murder. I am sure most of it was done with good intentions. That is beside the point.

We must stop ignoring the elephant. No more blaming pangolins, or bats, or lab leaks, or wild dogs. We must stop believing in fairy-tales because the TV news drummed up paranoia and showed pictures of people dying in local hospitals. Yes, people died in local hospitals. Yes, there was a feeling of helplessness, of madness, of incredible danger and fear. But there was no virus.

There was the television. It started with drummed up reports of a new virus. Then there were droves of people who went to the hospital in fear. Then they were killed. Then there was more hysteria. Anything and everything was seen as the new disease. Fear was everywhere.

It was the fear that drove people to the hospital. It was the fear that drove doctors and nurses to experiment upon them. It was the fear that drove care-workers to avoid the sick and the elderly, the mentally-disabled and the obese in need of urgent care. It was the fear that caused the deaths. It was the fear that drove people into isolation, into misery and into murder.

That is it. It really is that simple. "

One would think it's quite obvious!. Yet...

"Yet so many still refuse to say it out loud. They say that it’s not politically smart. And we do need a massive political change.

But until we call this out, are we not forever stuck in the illusion that the Great Lie of fascist propaganda in our lifetimes was actually real? Is it that hard to understand?

Is it morally responsible to ignore this? Does reality matter?"

So many in the "health freedom movement" are more concerned with protecting the narrative they put forth over the last 3 years, or protecting the reputations of the movement celebrities, who continue to push the same "mismanaged pandemic" disinformation, than they are about the truth. And then they claim it's because most "ordinary people:" aren't ready for the facts. THEY are the ones who are not ready for facts.

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'they' should not have the authority to decide 'we' are not ready for the facts. facts are there, so who is to decide who is entitled to them? strange times these are.

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These are strange times indeed. But this phenomenon isn't itself totally new, it's called "Gatekeepers," who seem to have developed as part of opposition movements during the 1960s, during the Vietnam/Civil Rights era, when would be movement leaders put forth the message that the American people weren't ready to hear that the war was an imperialist venture, and should be told that it was a bad foreign policy decision to escalate and the US should pursue its "interests" in protecting "South Vietnam" (a fictitious entity) against "aggression" (an insurgency which had been going on since French colonial times) in other ways.

And this became even more the case after 9/11, when "leaders" asserted that Americans weren't ready to hear that in fact there was no "attack on the US by foreign terrorists," but a false flag operation, that the THREE WTC towers which came down on 9;/11 were in fact subjected to demolition, were not felled by plane impacts. Instead, we were told to focus on US government incompetence or negligence, or even deliberate negligence, that's all Americans were ready to hear, and we need to focus on stopping the war in Iraq, even if it takes telling Americans there are "better ways to fight terrorism." So here we are again.

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great comment. in return a long, but quite creepy read on the infiltration of the '60ies counterculture movement by the CI_a - https://logosmedia.com/entheogens_whatsinaname_psychedelicspirituality_socialcontrol_cia

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Mary-Lou: i appreciate your sentiment. But i'm sorry to tell you, that page is UTTER CRAP!! I participated in the counterculture, indeed still feel a part of it. The CIA investigated the use of psychedelics to interrogate and brainwash people. What they found was that in small to medium doses, these substances actually tend to make people less subject to arbitrary control, and more aware of what's around them. In very large quantities, they render the subject catatonic and thus useless for either brainwashing or interrogation. So they gave up on them. Alfred McCoy of the U of Wisconsin has written more about the CIA, torture and drugs than anyone alive, he debunks the idea that the CIA pursued these substances any further. https://www.democracynow.org/2006/2/17/professor_mccoy_exposes_the_history_of

Psychedelics usage goes back 10,000 years or more. Tribes such as the Huichol in Mexico's Sierra Madre Mountains and indigenous peoples in the Amazon kept on employing them in the face of colonialist attempts to repress such practices, likewise indigenous people in the US and all over the world. Jan Irvin basically provides support for such repressive tactics by making such substances out to be mere CIA tools. Usage of psychedelics had little to do with subversion and repression of the counterculture. Indeed, authorities repressed their usage as well as that of cannabis while promoting the use of heroin, cocaine and speed, all of which they were involved re production and trafficking, I SAW it happen. Glad to disabuse you of this disinformation.

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no problem, great comment, TQ for the link. I'm on a different continent and from a different generation, so for me it's all new & interesting. "Psychedelics usage goes back 10,000 years or more" yes, and that's not the issue. however it becomes problematic when covert research is being done motivated by an agenda to control certain groups in society (to subdue the anti-war movement; fuel the Cold War sentiments). perhaps they abandoned LSD and began experimenting with other means for brainwashing and propaganda?

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"perhaps they abandoned LSD and began experimenting with other means for brainwashing and propaganda?" Bingo! That's exactly what McCoy says.

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Great post, Mike!

> Mike Yeadon, former VP and Chief Scientist for Respiratory Disease at Pfizer, seems to agree

My only quibble is with Mike Yeadon. In the context you've provided, he's a great reference, at least superficially. Yes, he "seems to agree".

However, if you read his latest piece carefully, you'll see that he doesn't say "no viruses", and he doesn't even say "no SARS-CoV-2". He says "no NOVEL virus". It seems like it was carefully crafted by an attorney, to seem to be taking a stand, yet he doesn't make it to the goal line by mere inches.

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The more “educated” people seem to be, the harder it is for them to see through the programming. He was part of that world for so long, who knows he still might be, so yes I agree he hasn’t gone the whole way like many are saying.

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Well I didn't read the Yeadon piece yet, but I feel that Dr. Sam Bailey bringing in the idea that not just this one but no viruses at all exist takes us off on a long path away from the topic at hand, that THIS one doesn't exist, even though upon watching her video obviously one conclusion needs follow the other.

I am with you of course that the approach taken by our allies in Congress, of "something something lab-->only indefinitely later bring up what the labs were, supposedly, working on was the vaxes" takes us not only on the long path, but off-path with only a "trust us" to bring us back.

My complaint with Yeadon is after listening to him, maybe he didn't say exactly, but my image was two fifths of mankind should have been dead by now from these "vaxes."

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I never claimed a specific death rate from these injections. Not prospectively.

I also guessed that the perpetrators wouldn’t want a very high death rate from these, first generation mRNA injections.

I think it’ll be repeated jabs of nastier, more lethally calibrated injections, if they get us all onto digital ID. Just make being up to date with WHO recommended vaccines a condition of continuing validity of digital ID.

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Dear Mike, the world is waiting for your help in virus debunking. Are you up to prove your sincerity by taking the Yeadon Challenge here?


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My local Internet provider just sent an email suggesting that I take a selfie and tie it my digital ID records to "improve security online."

It's happening and before we know it, it'll be required for every single activity known to man. A digital prison planet in the making.

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For a picture taken by a digital camera is not going to be legally enough for digital ID. But the fingerprints that will be made by an individual physically touching the digital fingerprint scanner will be legally enough to call a living individual as a legal person identified by digital ID. Digital fingerprinting is what has to be avoided to de-rail digital id rollout. Do not comply.

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Does it seem to you that mankind is healthier after these 'vaccines'?

Increased mortality in every single country and decreased natality rates isn't good enough for depopulation?

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Thank you, Mike, this is a wonderful piece - have cross-posted and urge others to do the same.

You could not have made the evidence for no virus clearer ... unfortunately, people can be so incredibly resistant to simple facts. I do cartwheels trying to get people to recognise facts because I cling pathetically to the belief that people simply must recognise irrefutable facts but they're so unbelievably adept at getting around them - their biases and fixed paradigms being their chosen guideposts ... which, of course, those in power know so very well.

Every so often I return to watch your wonderful Downfall video - https://vimeo.com/743557094. The last time I watched it was after watching The Truth about Smallpox by Katie Sugak (based a lot on the work of Mike Stone (ViroLIEgy.com)) where we learn no distinct illness, smallpox, has ever been identified ... sound familiar? You've probably seen it yourself now or are familiar with its content.


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The reason I knew from Day One that there was no virus had nothing to do with any knowledge about the fraudulence of virology as I had zero of that but since understanding the true nature of 9/11 I'd come to learn a fundamental of psyops:

They do what they want for real and fake the rest

Well, what's a psyop after all - it's antithetical to psyop nature to do something for real if you don't want it for real - part of the magic of psyops is that the less the narrative corresponds with reality the better they work ... fortunately for them as so often something that they want us to believe wouldn't work for real in their narrative in any case. And even if viruses existed as we used to believe, they wouldn't have been able to control one according to their narrative - I guess, of course, because they don't! It was obvious from the complete nonsense they told us about the virus being found in snakes and images of people laid out on the ground, etc that it was a psyop because that's another fundamental - the over-the-top deliberate nonsense.

When you understand the true nature of 9/11 and the "false dilemma" propaganda strategy employed, whenever a new psyop comes along you can just go bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.

One could predict:

--- controlled opposition narrative/s

there's a virus but not at pandemic levels (with various versions); biolab (various versions)

--- fake investigative committee

Reiner Fuellmich et al

--- fake miracle survivor stories

--- fake vaccine injured (yes, of course, so many thousands - millions? - injured or killed but they still start off with fake ones, not sure why - probably some kind of predictive programming)

This post explains 9/11 and its fake binary propaganda strategy pretty succinctly


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Excellent breakdown, Petra. For me, since JFK & Viet Nam war, my BS psyop meter goes off alot. Although the evil PTB use the same psyops over & over, it's up to us to see through ALL of them.

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But you know the real truth of JFK, Lucinda? The assassination was fake - very hard to get your head around but that's what the evidence shows. Just like for covid and 9/11 they had different propaganda streams targeted to both the believers and the disbelievers.

— Too few people lining the streets to watch the motorcade

— The people lining the street are motionless as JFK’s vehicle passes them, they don’t wave excitedly or show any kind of response

— Zapruder film is missing frames which were obviously cut

— Witness positions don't line up shot-wise

— Shadows don’t correspond

— You really think they’re going to target a president in such a situation and rely on everything going smoothly?

— Does Jackie behave as you might expect?


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Yeah, I remember this take on JFK's "assassination" (as well as the newer theory that Jackie (CIA) actually shot JFK with a small gun which she passed on to the secret service guy who jumped on the car, but the Zapruder film edited it out). That's a wild one.

SO many JFK theories, so little time in the day to sort it all out. :-)

Of course, anything is possible. Most probably it was NOT JFK's body that was flown back to DC as the Dallas policeman shot when they said they were looking for Lee Harvey (J.D. Tippitt) resembled JFK extraordinarily well. So they probably substituted.

J.D. Tippitt Dallas Police Department, Texas

End of Watch Friday, November 22, 1963


And there's lots more evidence about the differences between the dead body & JFK also in other investigative pieces. The only thing I'm pretty confident about is that LBJ wanted JFK out as LBJ was ruthless in his climb to power & wanted to be president more than anything. So whether JFK was actually killed in Dallas (the truama of it was the point) or killed later or given a new identity or shipped off to spend his days on an isolated farm somewhere, it prob doesn't matter. The elites-globalists wanted him gone away so he was either killed or exiled.

In view of all the celebrities who have faked their own deaths in recent decades, I'm wondering if JFK wasn't also in on the death charade, if it was actually faked?

As to the Z film, yes, we know by now it was tampered with but "JFK" was really in Dallas that day as many other normal people reported seeing him there. But it could also have been a body double used as most politicians (including Obama, Hillary, Trump & Biden now), all have them to confuse any suspected plots against them. So did the PTB use a double to fake JFK's murder? Or was it all a "movie"?

More & more JFK theories over 60 years while the deep state game goes on & on.

p.s. The OKC bombing was definitely real altho it didn't happen the way it was reported on the news (just as 9/11 was stage managed too). And don't believe that Timothy McVeigh was actually executed. It was clearly just a monkey trial. McVeigh was ex-military so many believe he was recruited as MK-Ultra when he served in the US Army or... was used as a crisis actor?

(Absolutely agree that TV/predictive programming of psyops/events is very real.)

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Love the Jackie shot JFK theory! Hadn't heard that one although of all the theories out there ...

I don't think there's any doubt that JFK's assassination was faked ... but what happened to him afterwards has me completely puzzled. Then again, as you say, lots of celebrity fake deaths. Every time I say "fake death" to a particular friend, she says, "So what island are they on then?" But I do wonder. Are they all on some island together?

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To complicate the JFK & Jackie w/a gun story (looked for the video but couldn't find it again) you know that JFK had a gay friend/lover (from his prep school days, his "best friend") who lived in the White House w/them, as a so-called "advisor"?

Article- Nov 11, 2022 - PHOTOS: Memories of JFK From His Gay Best Friend]


Here's the book on JFK's advisor, gay friend/lover who never married himself >

Jack and Lem: John F. Kennedy and Lem Billings: The Untold Story of an Extraordinary Friendship Paperback – March 25, 2008


John F. Kennedy had a gay best friend named Lem Billings who had his own room at The White House - By Greg Hernandez on Nov 22, 2013


Review: The book Jack and Lem: John F. Kennedy and Lem Billings: The Untold Story of an Extraordinary Friendship (by David Pitts) tells of when Jack casually wrote at the end of a chatty letter to Lem after his friend made a sexual advance: “I’m not that kind of boy.”

But Jack didn’t end the relationship.

From the time he and Kirk LeMoyne “Lem” Billings met at Choate, until the President’s assassination thirty years later, they remained best friends.

Lem was a virtual fixture in the Kennedy family who even had his own room at the White House.

It was a friendship that endured despite an era of rampant homophobia.

Now that info makes ya wonder about not only the power of keeping JFK secrets for 50 yrs but Jackie's sensibility or willingness to go along w/this obvious "deal".

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Too many rabbit holes!

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"We can ignore reality but we cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality."

I think it was Ayn Rand who wrote that, or something similar.

In Spain, some Hotels were made into hospitals. This was done while having the hospitals buildings almost empty, as only the basement and the first floors were in use.

I think the problem of those who deny the non-existence of the virus is that they are addicted to authority. They have to be right, they are doctors and they have been treating people with many drugs for a very grave disease with unmistakeble clinical signs, so there must be a real virus.

And IVM must have anti-viral properties, because there is a pathogenic virus and people get well with anti-paraisitic medication. Makes perfect sense.

And the hypochondriacs get well with anything you throw at them, they are invincible.

This has to be a medical and scientific issue. Not an economics issue, or a military issue. Politics has nothing to do with it.

Kennedy campaign: Real change or Obama change?

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it's good that Kennedy's platform Childrens Health Defense is there, but absolutely everything needs to be looked at with a critical mind.

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RFK doesnt believe there is no-virus. He gets nervous and avoids the topic. See Sam Bailey channel.

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it's an absolute divide: viruses either can or can't be there, there's no in-between. I'm on the no-virus side, but as an anthropologist (not a medical expert!) I'm bound to see more truth in the terrain theory. context is a determining factor in most of what we do and who we are.

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Does reality matter? Heck yeh! ...As absurdity saves the day!

Excellent writing! Thank you!

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Mike, thanks for this incredibly consice, sharp and yet thoroughly easy to understand write up of the truth. There is nothing here that I didn't already know, but you have written it down in such a fantastic way that even the most covid fearing NPC can at least understand.

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No pandemic. No virus to begin with.

It has been a hoax from the beginning

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Mike, Dr Yeadon is a bit of a slippery fellow as you see Bill also noted below. Here is a post with quotes from the "Yead":


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Thought that Yeadon had said repeatedly that he was retired now. Said he's out of farma entirely?

fyi > Mike Yeadon Yeadon was the founder of Ziarco w/start & end dates from Jun 2011 to April 2017 See cite here > https://www.crunchbase.com/person/michael-yeadon

It also reports that Yeadon is currently employed here >

Mike Yeadon is the Consultant Acting Chief Scientific Officer at Apellis Pharmaceuticals. Additionally, Mike Yeadon has had 1 past job as the Co-Founder at Ziarco.

So without Yeadon dates for Apellis Pharmaceuticals, can't be sure that he's there or is retired?

See > https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/apellis-pharmaceuticals

On edit: Found a company "people" page that lists Yeadon as still being there at Apellis as a scientific consultant > Mike Yeadon - Consultant Acting Chief Scientific Officer


So, no wonder Yeadon won't say that all viruses don't exist as he's still in the field as consultant.

Quote: "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it ." (1934) - Upton SINCLAIR - (1878-1968, died at 90 years old), American novelist,, muckraker and social reformer.

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I’m not active. Those databases are well out of date. I lost access to LinkedIn a couple of years ago. There I posted that I retired completely after being dismissed by my residual clients that I still had in 2020.

I am an unpaid advisor to some non profits.


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Hi Mike - Just wanted to say I was very glad to see you here. We are living in very difficult times, times of enormous change, where emotions are running high and for good reason. but in my opinion, your outspoken stand for humanity over the last two years has been a real light shining in the darkness.

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Thank you. It doesn’t feel like it’s made a difference overall however.

I pray that the reality is better.

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The Rockefeller Foundation is also nonprofit, so working for nonprofits are a good thing?


Industry Non-profit Organizations

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Flip-flopping and pretending to be on your side while being against you are standard propaganda tactics. The Yead is VERY GOOD at these, and seems to me to be well-trained. I hope the author of this post Mike will consider adjusting his intro re Yead.

We also don't know to what degree the Yead is baited with money, extorted, or threatened, or if he has been "born" into this cult from long ago with family and/or "secret society" ties. But he is not natural opposition without some fetters.

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You are thoroughly horrible.

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Did someone ghost write your little "toxic tweets", Dr. of Toxicology M. Yeadon? They were saved on the way back machine. Well how can we expect you to understand IT if you can't understand virology?


Should we say "shiver me timbers" in this case?

But we'll still give you a chance, just come clean about Pfizer, or Masons, or Jesuits, or the black stuff even higher in the pyramid, whatever coat of arms you wear, we'll rehabilitate you Mike because we love all of humanity even you.

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Black goo??

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Just to let it sink in how horrible people that fear monger, even subtly like you do, have caused millions of persons to be maimed and dead, including persons close to me and in my own family, to take shots AND DIE, I give you this from Omar Jordan's link at https://mega.nz/file/MEI2XSDb#dqHqCI7rjZbm-AyLsWdi3zRutf2MiKb1OLILQ7gmnGE

"Yeadon, a former vice-president and chief scientific officer of the Allergy and Respiratory at Pfizer, provided a simple explanation of why lockdowns could never have worked, went on to explain that there is “zero” chance of incessantly reported new variants escaping immunity. Since SARS-COV-2 has never been properly isolated, then there can be no proof of a variant of a thing that doesn’t exist. No scientist anywhere in the world can possibly verify a “variant” of a thing that doesn’t exist, for the simple fact that they have nothing to compare it to. So, anytime you hear Yeadon say the word “variant,” you can rest assured that he is lying."

And the article keeps going on and on about the message of fear you brought to millions of people about variants and bioweapons that can't and don't exist. You Mr. Yeadon need to deal with this thought of dead families every time you look in the mirror, not me.

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Mike, you were given the Fan Wu and other papers proving no sars virus was found many times by many people over 3 yrs (this paper took me 5 min to find and 15 min to read in 2020), remember your conversation with Massey:


And you're telling me that "Antibodies epitopes are specific" means a virus exists nonsense that took me 0.3s to find the Nature paper that says they are nonspecific. And even if they were specific, that is not proof of a replication competent biologic object. No one with your CV on the side of the common man should not have deep curiosity on virus finding, now that the bombs have dropped you want to shout "there's no reason to bomb"?

Someone famous is also writing on you, tell them they are horrible too: https://mega.nz/file/MEI2XSDb#dqHqCI7rjZbm-AyLsWdi3zRutf2MiKb1OLILQ7gmnGE

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Would love more critical bio/info on Yeadon as I'd always hoped that he was one of the "real" whistleblowers, altho I had misgivings understandably about his credibility. How could anyone work for so many years w/that evil death-dealing Pfizer mafia & not be completely cynical or corrupted?

Mike deserves an acting award seems to me for his part in disrupting the actual truth of C19 & for presenting himself as a good guy. I agree entirely with your point of money bribes/bait, extortion or threats as possibilities as that's a mafia's modus operandi - doesn't matter what kind of mafia it is or its differing purposes: bribe, coerce or kill.

Re: Yeadon's believability, I was mostly distracted by the obviously promoted "super-gate-keeper" Doc Malone as the main villain in controlled-op-farma-land. HAH Silly me. Yeadon's acting too, even if he doesn't ride horses or have a public, complicit wife. This seeing thru all aspects of the C19 PR/brain-washing/psyop schemes is really hard. :/

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The Yead was given the Fan Wu and other papers proving no sars virus many times by many people over 3 yrs (its like giving a cupcake to a baby) and he still waffled thru 2.5 yrs of vaxes in spite of being so against them. You can see a link on his conversation with Massey:


Sorry he's nothing more than a disinfo operative, that's why he's on Alex Jones' Covid Land.

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I hear ya re: Yeadon but just have to say that Jones provides some good stuff too, altho I believe that he also is a gate-keeper in order to survive/stay alive, perhaps? I never discount the fear/threat factor in many of the "turned" out truthers. :/ And wonder if I myself could be so brave (if I was a prominent doctor/scientist) as to give up my life for lots of complicit/ungrateful/anti-freedom/mean-spirited citizens. Not everyone is a Joan of Arc or a Braveheart in real life unfortunately. :-)

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Jones almost NEVER says or has a guest that mentions the no-virus issue. He was/is full-throttle on the Sars as bioweapon, and had Boyle the bio weapon deception expert on frequently. He gives out lots of good info capturing a large part of the awake people, but when it comes to the no-virus clincher he's mum. This is standard deception tactic.

He also was a leader of the awake right into the Jan 6th trap where the agitator agents drove the peaceful protest into a deceptive and fake violent protest. This is also standard propaganda tactic on how to control protests-and he surely knows this very well. Do not get deceived by AJs anti-Globalist fake passion, he is one of them. They always lead the opposition, this is standard warfare propaganda, that's why it's called Info Wars, it's an info war against you (us).

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Another excellent piece that I will gladly share.

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Brilliant! Excellent summary!

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Almost everyone on the supposedly 'good' side, are determined to continue looking at the world using belief rather than facts or reason. We might all have theories as to why that is, personally I think there is a basic glitch in human consciousness that means we generally switch data into narrative; a process what allows for religions, cultures, political allegiances and all sorts of other irrational behaviours to emerge. Others may disagree with that, but that we make up and believe stories that often don't tally with actual data or observable nature, or if you wish, reality, is surely not in question, yet never has it proven to be more lethal. There is enough evidence available to say with confidence that there are no such things as contagious viruses, or that vaccines are efficacious or even safe and yet the supposed good guys cling to both, a position that means whichever side wins the debate, the ignorance and the concomitant deaths will continue.

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Surely one cannot escape from the fact that even a junior nurse or Doctor would know the damage respirators or paralytic drugs would do to patients and therefore they are just as culpable as the 'health systems' that prescribed those protocols? i.e WHO, NHS etc. As in WW2 just following orders is not a defence.

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