It also reports that Yeadon is currently employed here >
Mike Yeadon is the Consultant Acting Chief Scientific Officer at Apellis Pharmaceuticals. Additionally, Mike Yeadon has had 1 past job as the Co-Founder at Ziarco.
So without Yeadon dates for Apellis Pharmaceuticals, can't be sure that he's there or is retired?
On edit: Found a company "people" page that lists Yeadon as still being there at Apellis as a scientific consultant > Mike Yeadon - Consultant Acting Chief Scientific Officer
So, no wonder Yeadon won't say that all viruses don't exist as he's still in the field as consultant.
Quote: "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it ." (1934) - Upton SINCLAIR - (1878-1968, died at 90 years old), American novelist,, muckraker and social reformer.
I’m not active. Those databases are well out of date. I lost access to LinkedIn a couple of years ago. There I posted that I retired completely after being dismissed by my residual clients that I still had in 2020.
Hi Mike - Just wanted to say I was very glad to see you here. We are living in very difficult times, times of enormous change, where emotions are running high and for good reason. but in my opinion, your outspoken stand for humanity over the last two years has been a real light shining in the darkness.
Flip-flopping and pretending to be on your side while being against you are standard propaganda tactics. The Yead is VERY GOOD at these, and seems to me to be well-trained. I hope the author of this post Mike will consider adjusting his intro re Yead.
We also don't know to what degree the Yead is baited with money, extorted, or threatened, or if he has been "born" into this cult from long ago with family and/or "secret society" ties. But he is not natural opposition without some fetters.
Did someone ghost write your little "toxic tweets", Dr. of Toxicology M. Yeadon? They were saved on the way back machine. Well how can we expect you to understand IT if you can't understand virology?
But we'll still give you a chance, just come clean about Pfizer, or Masons, or Jesuits, or the black stuff even higher in the pyramid, whatever coat of arms you wear, we'll rehabilitate you Mike because we love all of humanity even you.
Just to let it sink in how horrible people that fear monger, even subtly like you do, have caused millions of persons to be maimed and dead, including persons close to me and in my own family, to take shots AND DIE, I give you this from Omar Jordan's link at
"Yeadon, a former vice-president and chief scientific officer of the Allergy and Respiratory at Pfizer, provided a simple explanation of why lockdowns could never have worked, went on to explain that there is “zero” chance of incessantly reported new variants escaping immunity. Since SARS-COV-2 has never been properly isolated, then there can be no proof of a variant of a thing that doesn’t exist. No scientist anywhere in the world can possibly verify a “variant” of a thing that doesn’t exist, for the simple fact that they have nothing to compare it to. So, anytime you hear Yeadon say the word “variant,” you can rest assured that he is lying."
And the article keeps going on and on about the message of fear you brought to millions of people about variants and bioweapons that can't and don't exist. You Mr. Yeadon need to deal with this thought of dead families every time you look in the mirror, not me.
Mike, you were given the Fan Wu and other papers proving no sars virus was found many times by many people over 3 yrs (this paper took me 5 min to find and 15 min to read in 2020), remember your conversation with Massey:
And you're telling me that "Antibodies epitopes are specific" means a virus exists nonsense that took me 0.3s to find the Nature paper that says they are nonspecific. And even if they were specific, that is not proof of a replication competent biologic object. No one with your CV on the side of the common man should not have deep curiosity on virus finding, now that the bombs have dropped you want to shout "there's no reason to bomb"?
Would love more critical bio/info on Yeadon as I'd always hoped that he was one of the "real" whistleblowers, altho I had misgivings understandably about his credibility. How could anyone work for so many years w/that evil death-dealing Pfizer mafia & not be completely cynical or corrupted?
Mike deserves an acting award seems to me for his part in disrupting the actual truth of C19 & for presenting himself as a good guy. I agree entirely with your point of money bribes/bait, extortion or threats as possibilities as that's a mafia's modus operandi - doesn't matter what kind of mafia it is or its differing purposes: bribe, coerce or kill.
Re: Yeadon's believability, I was mostly distracted by the obviously promoted "super-gate-keeper" Doc Malone as the main villain in controlled-op-farma-land. HAH Silly me. Yeadon's acting too, even if he doesn't ride horses or have a public, complicit wife. This seeing thru all aspects of the C19 PR/brain-washing/psyop schemes is really hard. :/
The Yead was given the Fan Wu and other papers proving no sars virus many times by many people over 3 yrs (its like giving a cupcake to a baby) and he still waffled thru 2.5 yrs of vaxes in spite of being so against them. You can see a link on his conversation with Massey:
I hear ya re: Yeadon but just have to say that Jones provides some good stuff too, altho I believe that he also is a gate-keeper in order to survive/stay alive, perhaps? I never discount the fear/threat factor in many of the "turned" out truthers. :/ And wonder if I myself could be so brave (if I was a prominent doctor/scientist) as to give up my life for lots of complicit/ungrateful/anti-freedom/mean-spirited citizens. Not everyone is a Joan of Arc or a Braveheart in real life unfortunately. :-)
Jones almost NEVER says or has a guest that mentions the no-virus issue. He was/is full-throttle on the Sars as bioweapon, and had Boyle the bio weapon deception expert on frequently. He gives out lots of good info capturing a large part of the awake people, but when it comes to the no-virus clincher he's mum. This is standard deception tactic.
He also was a leader of the awake right into the Jan 6th trap where the agitator agents drove the peaceful protest into a deceptive and fake violent protest. This is also standard propaganda tactic on how to control protests-and he surely knows this very well. Do not get deceived by AJs anti-Globalist fake passion, he is one of them. They always lead the opposition, this is standard warfare propaganda, that's why it's called Info Wars, it's an info war against you (us).
Infowars had Andrew Kaufman on at the beginning of Convid giving entire presentations during the last hour of the daily show. John Rappaport also presented the last hour for a while bringing forth the no virus position based on his previous work and understanding of the AIDS scam. David Icke also aligned with these views and pushed back on virus propaganda for a while, but they were all systematically booted from routine appearances on Infowars when the platform sided with the lab-created virus release psyop.
Since then, Mr Jones has been relentlessly pushing the notion that family members and crew were all affected by the Convid with some of them nearly dying.
In the last few days, Mr Jones presents with heavy throat infection symptoms and says that he took a Convid test to see if he was infected.
This is all incredibly bizarre behavior whichever way one wants to grapple with it. Either Jones is a true believer in germ theory and biological weapons or is a chronic germophobe or he has been mandated to continue scaremongering in the name of Convid by his handlers even though the evidence points in the opposite direction and most people are catching on to the fraud.
I don't see Jones as a stupid individual. He's a smart cookie that allows dissenting voices access to his platform, but it becomes evident that Infowars as a whole (and many other IIA - Interactive Internet Activity - influencers) forms part of an army intelligence operation and when they get the order to gatekeep on certain subjects or push propaganda for others, they all jump to and do as they're told.
I never liked Boyle either. Just an obvious bullshitter like the rest.
Not sure if AJ wasn't guided at first or if he had the Kauf on as a ploy to seem open minded, then ditch them. I lean to think the latter. Not having the Kauf on again is one thing, completely getting rid of the Rapp was a full-on firing. Leaving Icke on could fit because Icke, in spite of his on target talks most of the time is a "discredit by association" agent with his talk of non-human reptilians etc. Boyle and Steve Peizowhats his name are FLAGRANT deep staters.
Could not agree more on all your points. I have a soft spot for Icke due to his role in opening my eyes and mind to the darker aspects of life, but it's true, because of his reptilian stories he taints any group that includes him including the recent association with The End of Covid. In his defense (not that he needs it) most ancient cultures worshiped reptiles in one form or another both for their resilience, fertility and other properties leading to dragon-focused mythology which permeates all aspects of our lives to this day. That doesn't mean that we're being manipulated by reptilian interdimensional entities though! I require a little more evidence to satisfy such claims.
And yes... Steve Piecenik was hilariously "spooky."
Mike, Dr Yeadon is a bit of a slippery fellow as you see Bill also noted below. Here is a post with quotes from the "Yead":
Thought that Yeadon had said repeatedly that he was retired now. Said he's out of farma entirely?
fyi > Mike Yeadon Yeadon was the founder of Ziarco w/start & end dates from Jun 2011 to April 2017 See cite here >
It also reports that Yeadon is currently employed here >
Mike Yeadon is the Consultant Acting Chief Scientific Officer at Apellis Pharmaceuticals. Additionally, Mike Yeadon has had 1 past job as the Co-Founder at Ziarco.
So without Yeadon dates for Apellis Pharmaceuticals, can't be sure that he's there or is retired?
See >
On edit: Found a company "people" page that lists Yeadon as still being there at Apellis as a scientific consultant > Mike Yeadon - Consultant Acting Chief Scientific Officer
So, no wonder Yeadon won't say that all viruses don't exist as he's still in the field as consultant.
Quote: "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it ." (1934) - Upton SINCLAIR - (1878-1968, died at 90 years old), American novelist,, muckraker and social reformer.
I’m not active. Those databases are well out of date. I lost access to LinkedIn a couple of years ago. There I posted that I retired completely after being dismissed by my residual clients that I still had in 2020.
I am an unpaid advisor to some non profits.
Hi Mike - Just wanted to say I was very glad to see you here. We are living in very difficult times, times of enormous change, where emotions are running high and for good reason. but in my opinion, your outspoken stand for humanity over the last two years has been a real light shining in the darkness.
Thank you. It doesn’t feel like it’s made a difference overall however.
I pray that the reality is better.
The Rockefeller Foundation is also nonprofit, so working for nonprofits are a good thing?
Industry Non-profit Organizations
Flip-flopping and pretending to be on your side while being against you are standard propaganda tactics. The Yead is VERY GOOD at these, and seems to me to be well-trained. I hope the author of this post Mike will consider adjusting his intro re Yead.
We also don't know to what degree the Yead is baited with money, extorted, or threatened, or if he has been "born" into this cult from long ago with family and/or "secret society" ties. But he is not natural opposition without some fetters.
You are thoroughly horrible.
Did someone ghost write your little "toxic tweets", Dr. of Toxicology M. Yeadon? They were saved on the way back machine. Well how can we expect you to understand IT if you can't understand virology?
Should we say "shiver me timbers" in this case?
But we'll still give you a chance, just come clean about Pfizer, or Masons, or Jesuits, or the black stuff even higher in the pyramid, whatever coat of arms you wear, we'll rehabilitate you Mike because we love all of humanity even you.
Black goo??
Just to let it sink in how horrible people that fear monger, even subtly like you do, have caused millions of persons to be maimed and dead, including persons close to me and in my own family, to take shots AND DIE, I give you this from Omar Jordan's link at
"Yeadon, a former vice-president and chief scientific officer of the Allergy and Respiratory at Pfizer, provided a simple explanation of why lockdowns could never have worked, went on to explain that there is “zero” chance of incessantly reported new variants escaping immunity. Since SARS-COV-2 has never been properly isolated, then there can be no proof of a variant of a thing that doesn’t exist. No scientist anywhere in the world can possibly verify a “variant” of a thing that doesn’t exist, for the simple fact that they have nothing to compare it to. So, anytime you hear Yeadon say the word “variant,” you can rest assured that he is lying."
And the article keeps going on and on about the message of fear you brought to millions of people about variants and bioweapons that can't and don't exist. You Mr. Yeadon need to deal with this thought of dead families every time you look in the mirror, not me.
Mike, you were given the Fan Wu and other papers proving no sars virus was found many times by many people over 3 yrs (this paper took me 5 min to find and 15 min to read in 2020), remember your conversation with Massey:
And you're telling me that "Antibodies epitopes are specific" means a virus exists nonsense that took me 0.3s to find the Nature paper that says they are nonspecific. And even if they were specific, that is not proof of a replication competent biologic object. No one with your CV on the side of the common man should not have deep curiosity on virus finding, now that the bombs have dropped you want to shout "there's no reason to bomb"?
Someone famous is also writing on you, tell them they are horrible too:
Would love more critical bio/info on Yeadon as I'd always hoped that he was one of the "real" whistleblowers, altho I had misgivings understandably about his credibility. How could anyone work for so many years w/that evil death-dealing Pfizer mafia & not be completely cynical or corrupted?
Mike deserves an acting award seems to me for his part in disrupting the actual truth of C19 & for presenting himself as a good guy. I agree entirely with your point of money bribes/bait, extortion or threats as possibilities as that's a mafia's modus operandi - doesn't matter what kind of mafia it is or its differing purposes: bribe, coerce or kill.
Re: Yeadon's believability, I was mostly distracted by the obviously promoted "super-gate-keeper" Doc Malone as the main villain in controlled-op-farma-land. HAH Silly me. Yeadon's acting too, even if he doesn't ride horses or have a public, complicit wife. This seeing thru all aspects of the C19 PR/brain-washing/psyop schemes is really hard. :/
The Yead was given the Fan Wu and other papers proving no sars virus many times by many people over 3 yrs (its like giving a cupcake to a baby) and he still waffled thru 2.5 yrs of vaxes in spite of being so against them. You can see a link on his conversation with Massey:
Sorry he's nothing more than a disinfo operative, that's why he's on Alex Jones' Covid Land.
I hear ya re: Yeadon but just have to say that Jones provides some good stuff too, altho I believe that he also is a gate-keeper in order to survive/stay alive, perhaps? I never discount the fear/threat factor in many of the "turned" out truthers. :/ And wonder if I myself could be so brave (if I was a prominent doctor/scientist) as to give up my life for lots of complicit/ungrateful/anti-freedom/mean-spirited citizens. Not everyone is a Joan of Arc or a Braveheart in real life unfortunately. :-)
Jones almost NEVER says or has a guest that mentions the no-virus issue. He was/is full-throttle on the Sars as bioweapon, and had Boyle the bio weapon deception expert on frequently. He gives out lots of good info capturing a large part of the awake people, but when it comes to the no-virus clincher he's mum. This is standard deception tactic.
He also was a leader of the awake right into the Jan 6th trap where the agitator agents drove the peaceful protest into a deceptive and fake violent protest. This is also standard propaganda tactic on how to control protests-and he surely knows this very well. Do not get deceived by AJs anti-Globalist fake passion, he is one of them. They always lead the opposition, this is standard warfare propaganda, that's why it's called Info Wars, it's an info war against you (us).
Infowars had Andrew Kaufman on at the beginning of Convid giving entire presentations during the last hour of the daily show. John Rappaport also presented the last hour for a while bringing forth the no virus position based on his previous work and understanding of the AIDS scam. David Icke also aligned with these views and pushed back on virus propaganda for a while, but they were all systematically booted from routine appearances on Infowars when the platform sided with the lab-created virus release psyop.
Since then, Mr Jones has been relentlessly pushing the notion that family members and crew were all affected by the Convid with some of them nearly dying.
In the last few days, Mr Jones presents with heavy throat infection symptoms and says that he took a Convid test to see if he was infected.
This is all incredibly bizarre behavior whichever way one wants to grapple with it. Either Jones is a true believer in germ theory and biological weapons or is a chronic germophobe or he has been mandated to continue scaremongering in the name of Convid by his handlers even though the evidence points in the opposite direction and most people are catching on to the fraud.
I don't see Jones as a stupid individual. He's a smart cookie that allows dissenting voices access to his platform, but it becomes evident that Infowars as a whole (and many other IIA - Interactive Internet Activity - influencers) forms part of an army intelligence operation and when they get the order to gatekeep on certain subjects or push propaganda for others, they all jump to and do as they're told.
I never liked Boyle either. Just an obvious bullshitter like the rest.
Not sure if AJ wasn't guided at first or if he had the Kauf on as a ploy to seem open minded, then ditch them. I lean to think the latter. Not having the Kauf on again is one thing, completely getting rid of the Rapp was a full-on firing. Leaving Icke on could fit because Icke, in spite of his on target talks most of the time is a "discredit by association" agent with his talk of non-human reptilians etc. Boyle and Steve Peizowhats his name are FLAGRANT deep staters.
Could not agree more on all your points. I have a soft spot for Icke due to his role in opening my eyes and mind to the darker aspects of life, but it's true, because of his reptilian stories he taints any group that includes him including the recent association with The End of Covid. In his defense (not that he needs it) most ancient cultures worshiped reptiles in one form or another both for their resilience, fertility and other properties leading to dragon-focused mythology which permeates all aspects of our lives to this day. That doesn't mean that we're being manipulated by reptilian interdimensional entities though! I require a little more evidence to satisfy such claims.
And yes... Steve Piecenik was hilariously "spooky."