"Notice the following uncontested fact: deaths were entirely normal the entire winter and early spring, across the entire world, and then deaths suddenly spiked, in every locale where they spiked, immediately after lock-downs and the associated change in hospital protocols dictated by the WHO and other medical authorities.
"Notice the following uncontested fact: deaths were entirely normal the entire winter and early spring, across the entire world, and then deaths suddenly spiked, in every locale where they spiked, immediately after lock-downs and the associated change in hospital protocols dictated by the WHO and other medical authorities.
There was no gradually rising curve that would suggest a new contagious disease was spreading."
"There was no new disease. There was no contagious virus. What happened in 2020 was mass medical murder. I am sure most of it was done with good intentions. That is beside the point.
We must stop ignoring the elephant. No more blaming pangolins, or bats, or lab leaks, or wild dogs. We must stop believing in fairy-tales because the TV news drummed up paranoia and showed pictures of people dying in local hospitals. Yes, people died in local hospitals. Yes, there was a feeling of helplessness, of madness, of incredible danger and fear. But there was no virus.
There was the television. It started with drummed up reports of a new virus. Then there were droves of people who went to the hospital in fear. Then they were killed. Then there was more hysteria. Anything and everything was seen as the new disease. Fear was everywhere.
It was the fear that drove people to the hospital. It was the fear that drove doctors and nurses to experiment upon them. It was the fear that drove care-workers to avoid the sick and the elderly, the mentally-disabled and the obese in need of urgent care. It was the fear that caused the deaths. It was the fear that drove people into isolation, into misery and into murder.
That is it. It really is that simple. "
One would think it's quite obvious!. Yet...
"Yet so many still refuse to say it out loud. They say that it’s not politically smart. And we do need a massive political change.
But until we call this out, are we not forever stuck in the illusion that the Great Lie of fascist propaganda in our lifetimes was actually real? Is it that hard to understand?
Is it morally responsible to ignore this? Does reality matter?"
So many in the "health freedom movement" are more concerned with protecting the narrative they put forth over the last 3 years, or protecting the reputations of the movement celebrities, who continue to push the same "mismanaged pandemic" disinformation, than they are about the truth. And then they claim it's because most "ordinary people:" aren't ready for the facts. THEY are the ones who are not ready for facts.
'they' should not have the authority to decide 'we' are not ready for the facts. facts are there, so who is to decide who is entitled to them? strange times these are.
These are strange times indeed. But this phenomenon isn't itself totally new, it's called "Gatekeepers," who seem to have developed as part of opposition movements during the 1960s, during the Vietnam/Civil Rights era, when would be movement leaders put forth the message that the American people weren't ready to hear that the war was an imperialist venture, and should be told that it was a bad foreign policy decision to escalate and the US should pursue its "interests" in protecting "South Vietnam" (a fictitious entity) against "aggression" (an insurgency which had been going on since French colonial times) in other ways.
And this became even more the case after 9/11, when "leaders" asserted that Americans weren't ready to hear that in fact there was no "attack on the US by foreign terrorists," but a false flag operation, that the THREE WTC towers which came down on 9;/11 were in fact subjected to demolition, were not felled by plane impacts. Instead, we were told to focus on US government incompetence or negligence, or even deliberate negligence, that's all Americans were ready to hear, and we need to focus on stopping the war in Iraq, even if it takes telling Americans there are "better ways to fight terrorism." So here we are again.
Mary-Lou: i appreciate your sentiment. But i'm sorry to tell you, that page is UTTER CRAP!! I participated in the counterculture, indeed still feel a part of it. The CIA investigated the use of psychedelics to interrogate and brainwash people. What they found was that in small to medium doses, these substances actually tend to make people less subject to arbitrary control, and more aware of what's around them. In very large quantities, they render the subject catatonic and thus useless for either brainwashing or interrogation. So they gave up on them. Alfred McCoy of the U of Wisconsin has written more about the CIA, torture and drugs than anyone alive, he debunks the idea that the CIA pursued these substances any further. https://www.democracynow.org/2006/2/17/professor_mccoy_exposes_the_history_of
Psychedelics usage goes back 10,000 years or more. Tribes such as the Huichol in Mexico's Sierra Madre Mountains and indigenous peoples in the Amazon kept on employing them in the face of colonialist attempts to repress such practices, likewise indigenous people in the US and all over the world. Jan Irvin basically provides support for such repressive tactics by making such substances out to be mere CIA tools. Usage of psychedelics had little to do with subversion and repression of the counterculture. Indeed, authorities repressed their usage as well as that of cannabis while promoting the use of heroin, cocaine and speed, all of which they were involved re production and trafficking, I SAW it happen. Glad to disabuse you of this disinformation.
no problem, great comment, TQ for the link. I'm on a different continent and from a different generation, so for me it's all new & interesting. "Psychedelics usage goes back 10,000 years or more" yes, and that's not the issue. however it becomes problematic when covert research is being done motivated by an agenda to control certain groups in society (to subdue the anti-war movement; fuel the Cold War sentiments). perhaps they abandoned LSD and began experimenting with other means for brainwashing and propaganda?
"Notice the following uncontested fact: deaths were entirely normal the entire winter and early spring, across the entire world, and then deaths suddenly spiked, in every locale where they spiked, immediately after lock-downs and the associated change in hospital protocols dictated by the WHO and other medical authorities.
There was no gradually rising curve that would suggest a new contagious disease was spreading."
"There was no new disease. There was no contagious virus. What happened in 2020 was mass medical murder. I am sure most of it was done with good intentions. That is beside the point.
We must stop ignoring the elephant. No more blaming pangolins, or bats, or lab leaks, or wild dogs. We must stop believing in fairy-tales because the TV news drummed up paranoia and showed pictures of people dying in local hospitals. Yes, people died in local hospitals. Yes, there was a feeling of helplessness, of madness, of incredible danger and fear. But there was no virus.
There was the television. It started with drummed up reports of a new virus. Then there were droves of people who went to the hospital in fear. Then they were killed. Then there was more hysteria. Anything and everything was seen as the new disease. Fear was everywhere.
It was the fear that drove people to the hospital. It was the fear that drove doctors and nurses to experiment upon them. It was the fear that drove care-workers to avoid the sick and the elderly, the mentally-disabled and the obese in need of urgent care. It was the fear that caused the deaths. It was the fear that drove people into isolation, into misery and into murder.
That is it. It really is that simple. "
One would think it's quite obvious!. Yet...
"Yet so many still refuse to say it out loud. They say that it’s not politically smart. And we do need a massive political change.
But until we call this out, are we not forever stuck in the illusion that the Great Lie of fascist propaganda in our lifetimes was actually real? Is it that hard to understand?
Is it morally responsible to ignore this? Does reality matter?"
So many in the "health freedom movement" are more concerned with protecting the narrative they put forth over the last 3 years, or protecting the reputations of the movement celebrities, who continue to push the same "mismanaged pandemic" disinformation, than they are about the truth. And then they claim it's because most "ordinary people:" aren't ready for the facts. THEY are the ones who are not ready for facts.
'they' should not have the authority to decide 'we' are not ready for the facts. facts are there, so who is to decide who is entitled to them? strange times these are.
These are strange times indeed. But this phenomenon isn't itself totally new, it's called "Gatekeepers," who seem to have developed as part of opposition movements during the 1960s, during the Vietnam/Civil Rights era, when would be movement leaders put forth the message that the American people weren't ready to hear that the war was an imperialist venture, and should be told that it was a bad foreign policy decision to escalate and the US should pursue its "interests" in protecting "South Vietnam" (a fictitious entity) against "aggression" (an insurgency which had been going on since French colonial times) in other ways.
And this became even more the case after 9/11, when "leaders" asserted that Americans weren't ready to hear that in fact there was no "attack on the US by foreign terrorists," but a false flag operation, that the THREE WTC towers which came down on 9;/11 were in fact subjected to demolition, were not felled by plane impacts. Instead, we were told to focus on US government incompetence or negligence, or even deliberate negligence, that's all Americans were ready to hear, and we need to focus on stopping the war in Iraq, even if it takes telling Americans there are "better ways to fight terrorism." So here we are again.
great comment. in return a long, but quite creepy read on the infiltration of the '60ies counterculture movement by the CI_a - https://logosmedia.com/entheogens_whatsinaname_psychedelicspirituality_socialcontrol_cia
Mary-Lou: i appreciate your sentiment. But i'm sorry to tell you, that page is UTTER CRAP!! I participated in the counterculture, indeed still feel a part of it. The CIA investigated the use of psychedelics to interrogate and brainwash people. What they found was that in small to medium doses, these substances actually tend to make people less subject to arbitrary control, and more aware of what's around them. In very large quantities, they render the subject catatonic and thus useless for either brainwashing or interrogation. So they gave up on them. Alfred McCoy of the U of Wisconsin has written more about the CIA, torture and drugs than anyone alive, he debunks the idea that the CIA pursued these substances any further. https://www.democracynow.org/2006/2/17/professor_mccoy_exposes_the_history_of
Psychedelics usage goes back 10,000 years or more. Tribes such as the Huichol in Mexico's Sierra Madre Mountains and indigenous peoples in the Amazon kept on employing them in the face of colonialist attempts to repress such practices, likewise indigenous people in the US and all over the world. Jan Irvin basically provides support for such repressive tactics by making such substances out to be mere CIA tools. Usage of psychedelics had little to do with subversion and repression of the counterculture. Indeed, authorities repressed their usage as well as that of cannabis while promoting the use of heroin, cocaine and speed, all of which they were involved re production and trafficking, I SAW it happen. Glad to disabuse you of this disinformation.
no problem, great comment, TQ for the link. I'm on a different continent and from a different generation, so for me it's all new & interesting. "Psychedelics usage goes back 10,000 years or more" yes, and that's not the issue. however it becomes problematic when covert research is being done motivated by an agenda to control certain groups in society (to subdue the anti-war movement; fuel the Cold War sentiments). perhaps they abandoned LSD and began experimenting with other means for brainwashing and propaganda?
"perhaps they abandoned LSD and began experimenting with other means for brainwashing and propaganda?" Bingo! That's exactly what McCoy says.